Media Releases - Bureau of Meteorology Newsroom (2025)


The Bureau of Meteorology has released its 2024 Spring Long-Range Forecast.

The long-range forecast provides guidance on the likelihood that different parts of the country will see conditions that are warmer or cooler, or wetter and drier than average over the next 3 months.

The Spring Long-Range Forecast shows an increased likelihood of warmer than average temperatures across all states and territories this spring.

Rainfall forecasts are more mixed, with an increased likelihood of above average for large parts of eastern Australia, and more likely below average rainfall for large parts of Western Australia.

The Long-Range Forecast is updated weekly with the forecast accuracy steadily improving as the start of the next month approaches.

It is worth noting that spring is typically a time when southern Australia experiences large swings in weather associated with passage of cold fronts across the south, as well as more thunderstorm activity as the weather warms. Stay up to date with the 7-day forecast for your area at

2024 Spring Long-Range Forecast (states and territories)

New South Wales and the ACT

Most of New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory have increased chances of warmer than usual spring temperatures.

Parts of eastern NSW, including around Sydney, are likely to see temperatures in the typical range for spring.

Most of NSW and the ACT have increased chances of above average spring rainfall.

There's also an increased chance for unusually high spring rainfall for most of the northern half of the state, extending into some central areas.

Spring rainfall in recent decades has typically been between 100 to 300 mm along the east coast and 25 to 100 mm in western NSW.


Victoria has an increased chance of warmer than usual spring temperatures.

Most of Victoria is likely to have rainfall within the typical range for spring. This follows several very dry months in the west of the state.

There's a slightly increased chance of above average spring rainfall for a part of the state's south-west.


All of Queensland has an increased chance of warmer than usual spring temperatures with an increased chance of unusually warm days and nights for most of the state.

Most of Queensland is likely to have above average rainfall, especially southern and central areas.

Northern Australia's official wet season begins in October.

The first significant rains of this northern wet season are likely to be earlier than usual for most of Queensland.

Western Australia

Most of Western Australia has an increased chance of warmer than usual spring temperatures with an increased chance of unusually warm days and nights in some northern areas.

Perth and parts of the state’s south can expect average daytime temperatures for spring.

Rainfall in south-west WA, including Perth, is likely to be within the typical range for spring.

Spring rainfall has typically been between 50 to 300 mm in recent decades for most of the South West Land Division.

Below average rainfall is likely in parts of the mid-west and central inland regions.

Northern Australia's official wet season begins in October. The first significant rains of this northern wet season are likely to be later than usual for most of WA's northern areas.

South Australia

South Australia has an increased chance of warmer than usual temperatures across spring.

Adelaide, parts of the state's southern agricultural areas and parts of the north have a slightly increased chance of above average spring rainfall. This follows a prolonged period of dry conditions that have prevailed in the south-east of the state this year.

The forecast shows a more typical range of spring rainfall is likely for the rest of the state.


Tasmania has an increased chance of warmer than usual spring temperatures with an increased chance of unusually warm days and nights.

There's a higher chance of above average spring rainfall for eastern Tasmania.

There's an increased chance for unusually high spring rainfall in parts of the east.

Western Tasmania is likely to have rainfall within the typical range for spring, noting that recent rainfall has helped alleviate dry conditions experienced during autumn and winter.

Northern Territory

All of the Northern Territory has an increased chance of warmer than usual spring temperatures with an increased chance of unusually warm days and nights for most areas.

The forecast shows that a typical range of spring rainfall is likely for most of the Territory.

Northern Australia's official wet season begins in October.

The first significant rains of this northern wet season are likely to be earlier than usual for parts of the Top End.

Winter – preliminary summary

Despite some typically cool winter temperatures at times on the east coast, winter has been warmer than usual across the country with August on track to be Australia’s warmest August on record.

While winter rainfall has been close to average for many areas, parts of Australia’s south-east have been drier than usual.

Overall, Australia's mean temperature will be around 1.5 °C above the 1961–1990 winter average.

The national summary for winter and August will be on the Bureau's website from 2 September: News reports and summaries (

Detailed summaries for winter and August conditions for each state and capital city will be published on 4 September.


Media Releases - Bureau of Meteorology Newsroom (2025)


What is the beta BOM site? ›

The 'beta' test website gives the community the opportunity to experience improved features and provide feedback on the site. will exist alongside the current Bureau website, which will remain the primary website during the testing phase.

What is the Bureau of Meteorology? ›

The Bureau of Meteorology is Australia's national weather, climate and water agency. Through regular forecasts, warnings, monitoring and advice spanning the Australian region and Antarctic territory, we provide one of the most fundamental and widely used services of government.

What are the values of BOM? ›

Our values and behaviours

In delivering products and services to our customers, we uphold the Australian Public Service Values of impartiality, commitment to service, accountability, respectfulness and ethical conduct.

How do I reference the Bureau of Meteorology? ›

Web page with a retrieval statement
  1. (Bureau of Meteorology, 2022) Author (Year) Bureau of Meteorology (2022)
  2. Direct quote: (Author, Year, para. x) (Bureau of Meteorology, 2022, para. ...
  3. Reference list. Author, A. A. (Year, Month Day). Title of work. Site Name/Publisher. Retrieved Month Day, Year, from https://xxxx.

Are beta sites safe? ›

Similarly, beta-level software exposes you to greater risk, not only because it's expected still to contain plenty of bugs, but also because beta software is generally expected to collect much more information than a finished app, as part of tracking down any faulty behaviour.

What does a beta site mean? ›

Specifically, it is pre-release testing -- testing that is performed by a small group of real users in a real-world environment before the software is released to other customers or end users. Beta testing is also sometimes referred to as user acceptance testing or end-user testing.

Why is the Bureau of Meteorology website not secure? ›

Among those that don't encrypt the data travels between users and the website include Australia's Bureau of Meteorology website,, and the ABC website. These websites are among a minority that do not use HTTPS — the secure version of the web's underlying data transfer protocol.

Is meteorology a Phd? ›

SLU's Doctor of Philosophy in Meteorology requires a total of 30 credits beyond the master's degree, including 12 credits of dissertation research. SLU's Ph. D. in Meteorology may be pursued directly from the baccalaureate with the permission of the program director.

How does the Bureau of Meteorology collect data? ›

They include Bureau-staffed and cooperative observer stations, automatic weather stations, meteorological satellites and drifting ocean buoys, ships and aircraft that collect weather data.

What is the difference between BOM and BOQ? ›


While a bill of quantities (BOQ) includes an itemized list of all project costs — including materials and labor hours — a bill of materials (BOM) only includes materials. Some general contractors include a BOM in the bid packages for subcontractors, on large and small projects alike.

What does BOM mean in slang? ›

Bro, dude, friend. BOM is a slang term. It is one of the most commonly used acronyms in online chat and texting. BOM stands for Bro, dude, friend.

What does the acronym BOM stand for? ›

A bill of materials (BOM) is a comprehensive inventory of the raw materials, assemblies, subassemblies, parts and components, as well as the quantities of each needed to manufacture a product.

What is the role of the Bureau of Meteorology? ›

The Bureau of Meteorology's work directly informs decisions by governments, industry and the community and supports all Australians, the Australian Defence Force and key sectors such as emergency management, aviation, transport, water management, agriculture and environmental management.

How does the Bureau of Meteorology measure temperature? ›

To take temperature measurements, thermometers are placed inside instrument enclosures known as a Stevenson screen. A Stevenson screen is basically a box with louvres that allow air to circulate around the thermometer inside while protecting it from outside elements like rain and direct sunlight.

How do you call a weather reporter? ›

  1. climatologist.
  2. storm chaser.
  3. weathercaster.
  4. weatherman/woman.

What is the site of beta 2? ›

Beta 2 receptors are predominantly present in airway smooth muscles. They also exist on cardiac muscles, uterine muscles, alveolar type II cells, mast cells, mucous glands, epithelial cells, vascular endothelium, eosinophils, lymphocytes, and skeletal muscles.

What does beta track? ›

Beta measures risk in the form of volatility against a benchmark and is based on the principle that higher risk come with higher potential rewards. Analysts use beta when they want to determine a stock's risk profile.

What is beta on the internet? ›

Enter the new trend to launch web technologies in “beta.” Launching in beta means that the site may be ready for use, but it's not quite perfect yet–it's a signal to users that the site is still in a state of testing.

What is the beta project? ›

A Beta Program is a set of tests designed to determine if a completed product fulfills the value proposition that it was designed to deliver. A Beta Program should be executed after a product has been built but before it is launched.


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