Green Bay Press-Gazette from Green Bay, Wisconsin (2024)

59 MACHINERY TOOLS HOUSEHOLD GOODS 66 I HOMES FOR SALE PERSONAL LOANS 82 i HOMES FOR SALE 82 HOMES FOR SALE 82 I HOMES FOR SALE 88 GREEN BAY- PR ESS -GAZETTE 14 Saturday, 'August 2, 1947 50 BORROW THE BANK-WAY For personal bills, appliances, ear and other needs. Loans on Car. Salary. Furniture. You 12 15 Get pmts pmta pmts $1011 $17 41 9 04 7 37 $200 .14 56 17 B2 14 48 $.100 5171 2BR1 59 $500 86 02 44.18 35.81 AUTOMATIC CLOTHES DRYERS I New Hamilton and Bendlx electric or gas.

Limited quantity for immediate deliverv. GABF.S 320 N. Wasington St A COMPLETE Line of upholstering materials. See them and our custom built sofa beds. Also linoleum riiRs.

DeWitt Furniture, 924 Main St. Call Adams 1555 A BETTER Selection of used furniture Highest prices paid "Red" Thompson, 1332 Main St. Howard 4578 or Howard 1M9 A COMPLETE Line of good used fur niture nd antiques at Bargain prices. Adam 1403 500 W. Mason furniture Exchange.

ALL APPLIANCES Repaired. Rerig erators, washers, vacuum cleaners, etc. Call Howard 5227. Van's Appliance Service. 1584 Main St.

ALL MAKES Of washing machine and vacuum cleaners serviced. Good Housekeeping Shop. 117 E. Walnut. KOR SALE Simmons single bed with spring and mattress Also davenport Call Adams 1483.

FOR SALE One end table, smoking stand, child's desk, cabinet model radio, occasional chair. 2 men's bi- cvcles, davenport tike new. Call Adams 62.11 or 829 Neville Ave. BRAND Vac trie" barrell type vacuum cleaner with attachments. $50.

Call Adams 386 or inquire 706 Winford Street. I FOR SALE One antique walnut dress- er diaiver. one writing desK and bookcase combined small Adams 31115 Howaid 377-MX. Broadway Shop, I22'j N. Maple FOR SALE Coolerator and console radio Botii in erv good condition.

1245 S. Irwin Ave FOR A FIRST CLASS On ieiip- holstering your furniture, call us. Large selection of material and work guaranteed. Schmidt Upholstering. 626 Main St.

Adams 4956. "GOOD' RUNNING wash machine" For sale. 1222 11th Ave. HOUSEHOLD HINT Clean upholstery and rugs uear longer. Foam clean with Finn Foam C.

Prangs Notions. Street floor. Institutional Dumwasmng "machine. Ciesrent model AA. Monel metal.

In good condition. Complete i with nookets. $150 Beaumont MoteL KIRBY Vacuum Cleaner System Model 505. with Sanl, the cleaner that's complete. For home demonstration, phone Adams 2945.

KEEP YOUR Washer Functioning at Peak Performance and we're interested In ypu getting toe best of performance and service. Report anything less than that we le trained and pienaied to help vou. VAN'S HARDWARE Authorized Factory Dealers 408-410 Dousman St. Green Bay LIVING ROOM SETS. Dining room sets, chairs, rockem, dresseis, vanitv, commodes, chest of diaweis.

hall trees, upright lollaway pictui frames, lamps, kitchen cupboards, radios, gas stoves. 150 lb. icebox and many oilier items Schultz. Furniture' Exchange, loo S. Oakland Ave.

Adams 705 MAPLE BED, Dining room set. 9x12 rug. walnut chest ot drawers, old china and figuunes. South Broadway Furnituie Exchange, 704 Broadway. Adams 2958.

NEW Philgas stove, new washing ma- and dining room set with six chairs and one bedroom chair. Call Chetrv 49-R-3. PICTURE FRAMING, OIL PAINT LMiS. PHO I AVti.M,. tsr.Ht.N SEN PICTURE STORE 311 ADAMS STREET RECORD PLAYERS! Clearance sale on complete stock.

Spring wound, electnc, automatic. Save GABK'S 320 N. Wasington St. SOLID CHERRY Dinette set. table with extentlon lea'es 4 Windsor type 'EMPLOYMENT HFXP.

MALE-FEMALE 45 WANTED Tailors, Kilk finishers, preiseif at Careful Cleaners and Overs, 1258 Mam St. Call in person. SALESMEN AGENTS 46 XBViHTISING BOOK MATCHES" Make quick profits selling Union Label book matches. Everyone a prospect FREK big power-house telling; kit, complete catalog snappy girls, champion dogs, scenics, fraternal and business cuts, commission in advance Write todav. Superior Match, 75.14 S.

Greenwood, Chicago III. AGENTS Sell outstanding, dependable Swiss wrist watches, expansion bracelet included, for $12 00 Send for information and sample at $6 00. D. Sensational value. Immediate reorders.

Money back guarantee. Roseman Imports, 408 West 14th, New York SALESMAN Wanted for northern Michigan by Minneapolis wholesale hosiery shop. General hosiery line Must have experience and following Of retail dry goods, clothing and variety stores. Commission basis. Good opportunity for rigjit man handling kindred line.

Vi rite Box Q-76. Press-Gazette SALESMEN Nylon Hosiery direct to consumers, clubs, organizations, full or part time. Good commissions Delaware Hosiery Mills, Mid-dietown. Delaware UNUSUAL SALES OPPORTUNITY Wanted man, young, aggressive, with ability to sell and organize sales crews. Petson selected will have a permanent valuable connection.

For interview, write giving past experience to Box 0-82, Press-Gazette. SITUATION WANTED 47 POSITION As housekeeper in small familv wanted bv middle-aged widow. Write Box O-B0. Press -Gazette WOMAN. 27.

DESIRES NIGHT WORK WRITE BOX PRESS-GAZETTE MIDDLE-AGED HOUSEKEEPER-Would like job for 1 or 2 adults or sick person. 115 Chicago St. POSITION Desiredhv single manTT. with substantial progressive organization in Green Bav. Reliable, university experience in accounting and economics.

Navy administrative and office management, retail store manager experience. Salarv secondary. Opportunity ottered. Write Box 0-66. Press-Gazette.

FINANCIAL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 48 BEAUTY PARLOR FOR SALE Com plete with equipment. Priced for quick sale. Call Howard 4250-x. FOR SALE Dry cleaning establish ment. Moriernly and efficiently equipped.

Doing big business. A real money maker for right partv. Must sell because of illness. Write Box 0-79. Press-Gazette.

GARAGE And filling station for sale on 2 good highways, v. rite box 0-74. Press-Gazette. RADIOS Coin-operated for hotels. motels, hospitals, tourist camps, excellent monev maker.

Corro. 710 W. Jackson Chicago. III. 14 ACRES Allouez Ave Including butldlngs now on premises.

1000 ft frontage. 898 feet deep. Sewer In stieet. City water. 00 feet (ronlage on East river.

$7,500. Ri A A CORPORATION RKAI.TORS HOWARD 9 1142 SO. NORWOOD Immediate possession. All modern 4-rnom bungalow, 7 years old. Attic space large enough for two more bedrooms.

Price $8200. VALENTINE REAL ESTATE S10 Walnut Howard 2742 Howard 930-W Adami 8138 BRICK HOUSE In Dvrkesville. 3 bedrooms. Half basem*nt. Stove heat.

2-car garage 474 feet on Highway 57. $7,000. BARNARD CORPORATION, REALTORS HOWARD WEST SIDE Five-room bungalow on Cambridge St. New hiding. Roof and furnace.

One-car garage. Full lot. $8,400. BARNARD CORPORATION r. A I OWARP a NORWOOD S.

1810 New 2-bechoorn home. Complete. Telephone Howard 308-JX, starting Monday GOOD LOCATION For roomers. Business district. Modern home, 8 rooms and bath Hot water heat LEONARD MILLER 129 Hroadway Adams S7H FIVE ROOM MOD ERN BO NGALO With garage and uti'lty room With or without furniture.

Immediate possession. Call at 1135 Ashland from 4 to p. daily. Phone Howard 424 1-W VAN DEUREN -AGENCY ON EAST MASON, CLOSE IN TO MONROE AVE. 8 rooms, with fireplace, powder room, stoker furnace, 2-stall garage, floored attic.

Convenient arrangement for doctor or roomers. Lot 55x130. Immediate occupancy. COTTAGE AT RED BANKS $4900 rooms, fireplace, knotty pine, completely furnished, stoves, beds, furniture, dishes, and electric refrigerator. Taxes only $12.00 a year.

7-ROOM COTTAGE AT BAY BEACH Now vacant. Ideal for boys' clubhouse. Fireplace, running water, 2-stall garage, fenced in and on cement blocks, new roof, and close to the pavilion. ONLY $9,250 For this new 3 bedroom bungalow in Preble, off Willow St. All 6 rooms orw one floor, on lot 49x150.

Move right in! 136 CLEVELAND ST. OFF SHAWANO AVE. Two family flat, hot air fur-'nace, 2 garages, close to schools and bus line. Imme-dite possession. $8,500.

$13,000 2-FAMILY FLAT Located in SS. Peter Paul's parish. 2 bedrooms in each flat, basem*nt with 2 furnaces and separate meters, insulated. 2-stall garage. $10,500 GRIGNON ST.

A new stucco 3-bedronm home in a nice location, off South Baird. Everything and modern, landscaped, and immediate occupancy. H. J. VAN DEUREN REALTORS 311 E.

Walnut Adams 128 BEAUTIFUL TWO-APARTMENT HOME Located on Wisconsin Street fn East De Pere. This home has all of the modern conveniences you hsve always wanted. If you can afford it, take a look at It; it'g aurely what you want in a. home. URB STEINMETZ 106 N.

Wisconsin De Pere Phone 12R0 Rep Ted Manders Pere 4C. K. Bourassa Oconto 340-W Ed Chnstensen Cherry 8-F-8 $3,800 ALL0UEZ! See this 4-room home on Bismarck Street right now! It's a place that you will like, at a price that you can afford. tjRB STEINMETZ 106 N. Wisconsin De Pere Phone 1280 Rep.

Ted Manders De Pere 4B E. Bourassa Oconto 340-W Chnstensen Cherry 8-F-U HOMES FOR SALE BY ELMER DENESSEN COMPANY COLUMBUS BLDG. ADAMS 67 BEAUTIFUL BRICK Home located at 1418 Eliza St. has rooms and complete tiled hath down. Natuial fireplace.

Upstairs has 4 rooms and complete tiled bath. All attractively decorated. Can be used as a 2-familv flat. Full basem*nt with hot air heat ihloweii. Double garage Concrete drive.

I-ot 83x240, with outdoor fireplace. HOME 1349 GHIGNON ST. This well built home has living room, dining room, kitchen. 1 bedroom, and complete bath on 1st floor and 3 bedrooms on 2nd floor. Basem*nt.

Furnace. LaiRe lot 53x240. Garage. Price M.rxHi. HOIK) DOWN, $50 PER MONTH And the rent from the upper llat can help you on those payments Located at 1114 Shawano Ave.

This 2-familv flat has i rooms and complete bath dnun, and 4 looms and complete bath up. Full basem*nt, hot. air fui-nace. Double garage. Lot 52x150.

Close to church and sch iol, and on bus line. 3-BEDROOM HOME IMMEDIATE POSSESSION I-ocated on Oregon St this home has living room, dining room, and kitchen down with 3 nice hedoms and tiled bath up Full basem*nt with hot air heat istokeri. Carpeted Garage with part concrete drive. Price $945(1. NEEDS WORK BUT This small home located on ltith St can be bought with reasonable terms.

Downstairs has living room, kitchen, 1 bedroom, and lavatory room 1 room for complete bath I. I nstall has 1 bedroom. No basem*nt. Stove heat. Price only WORTH CHECKING This small home located on Fhza St, has living room, dining room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms down and 1 large bedroom up.

Double garage Rent Kb per month. Lot 53x240 A hMe win could make tins a reallv worthwhile investment. Pi ice $3500. 2-FAMILY AT JAMES WEST SIDE Lower flat has living room, dining room, kitchen, 1 bedroom, and bath Upper flat has living room, kitchen, 1 bedroom, and bath Full basem*nt, hot air heat. Weatherstripped Possession in rtpper flat 30 days Garge.

Lot 43x120. Close to schools. ATTENTION I For further information as to price range, terms, etc on a home, stop at 01 call our office We II ne glad to help you. No obligation of course! ELMER DENESSEN' COMPANY Columbus Bldg. Adams 67 Associates: Dick Botirguignon John Vander Zanden FINE NEW BUNGALOW JUST COMPLETED OCCUPANCY AT ONCE LOCATED AT 1831 FARL1N AVE.

Has living room, modern kitchen, built-in bath, two bedrooms, hardwood floors, plenty of closet space, completely finished stairway to large attic. Full basem*nt. Hot air heat. One car garage. Large lot.

1 block from Bus, School, Stores, etc. Ai Excellent Location and the Asking Price is $8900 CARTI ER-STEWART REAL ESTATE CO. Telephone Howard 3772 303 BELLIN BUILDING Frank Cartier Chas. Stewart Adams 3205 Adams 6132 Edward Hynek, Adams 5577 V'SL Sr-v-icNEW 22 JV pTspeed Twm Evinrude; chairs, table has colonial duck foot PRIVATE PARTY Wants to buy sev-legs. Utter simplicity of design and I era! small sie diamonds.

4u to 50 beautv of wood grain. Mahogany buf- points. Must be priced right. Write FOUR-BEDROOM HOME -arge 'icely roomy Home on Lawe St. Meely aecorateo.

MoKer heat sil.tHiu. BARNARD CORPORATION REALTORS HOWARD NEAR TAYLOR Living" room, dining room, kitchen. 3 bedrooms and bath on one floor. Hot air heat Large lot. Priced right.

$6,000. BARNARD CORPORATION REALTORS HOWARD ON NICOLET ROAD Five-room home just past Panama Lodge. Full basem*nt. New Chrysler air conditioned oil furnace. Completely insulated.

Sin.ooO. BARNARD CORPORATION REALTORS HOWARD BY OWNER Three-bedroom home at 614 S. Van Bui en St Immediate pos session Inquire A. Thiele, Minahan Building Adams 486. FOR SALE Bv ow tier 4-room home at 1H42 Eastman Ave.

Immediate pos session Call after 5 p. ni. NEW" FIVE-ROOM HOUSE FOR SALE Complete with 8 in. cedar siding, three coats of paint, wealherstrip-ped windows, all insulated, hardwood floors throughout. Also wired, cabinets and fixtures.

For only $3 500 To be moved off. Can be seen during the days or evenings. One block north of Maity'a Tavern, next to Count Home. SIDE Two-tamily flat "on Preble Ave. 5 rooms downstairs 4 rooms tin.

Hot air heat. 2-car garage. Nice gardervJot. $8,000. A A CORPORATION REALTORS HOWARD 8 SIX-ROOM HOME" 900 Block Christiana St.

Fully insulated. Hot air furnace with controls. Automatic water heater. 1-car garage. Nice lot.

$10,500. BARNARD CORPORATION REALTORS HOWARD HOMES 2 FAMILY FLAT Located oil 13th Avenue. Has kitc hen, living room, 1 bedroom and bath downstairs. Three rooms and bath ar.d shower upstairs. Well insulated.

Has plenty of closet space. Basem*nt has recreation room, laundry room, furnace room. Hot air furnace, foiced air and stoker. A home you should see. A REAL BAROAIN AT $8200 -Well laid out home.

Has living room, kitchen and 2 beriiooms and hath. 2 clothes closets and 2 linen closets. Well insulated. Maple floois. Basem*nt with torced air heat Improvements paid for.

Possession 111 60 davs. One year old. LOCATED ON EAST SIDE 4 room home. Has living room, kit-hen, 2 bedrooms and shower. Hardwood floors and inlaid linoleum.

Oil heat. Garage, with 1 ovu held door, cement floor, side entrance, Iinpi ovements paid for. A new home. FARI.IN AVENUE, HOME Has living room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms and bath. Space for one bedroom in attic.

Double insulation. Floors are oak and inlaid linoleum. Recreation room in basem*nt. Hot water radiation, automatic control. 30 days possession.

$10,000. 6 ROOM HOME Has living room, dining room, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, complete bath, and lai ge glass sunporrh. Complete insulated. Basem*nt Willi hot air furnace. Maple hardwood floors.

Double stall garage. Large lot. Price $9500. DUTTON ASHWAURENON Four room home with toilet and lavatory in. Space for tub.

Basem*nt with hot air heat. Kitchen cupboards. Inlaid linoleum in kitchen and bath. Large lot. 80 116.

Price $5000. MEACHAM SON REALTORS 109'i E. Walnut, Howard 4009 1490 DOUSMAN 2-family apartment with 5 rooms and bath down and 3 rooms and bath up. Full basem*nt, 2-staIl garage, chicken coop, with 'a acre land. 1 VALENTINE REAL ESTATE 210 W.

Walnut Howard 2742 Howard 930-W Adams 3138 WEST SIDE All modern 2-family with large lot, $7400 00. apartment West Mason 2-family apartment illi 3-hedroonu and lower apartment. Larue lot. $A500 00. 2 fivc-ioorn bungalow with sai-aee and larse lot.

Price $6500.00 and SfiROOOO. VALENTINE REAL ESTATE W. Walnut Howaid 2742 Howard 9.10-W Adams 5KI8 7 Room Home De Pere Tins excellent home located at 708 Oak W. Dc Pere. lias five looms and complete hath down, with two rooms up, outside stau-way in tor second apartment.

V' 'wi. iUui, all I'a- celh-nt bu tor only S3 .300 URB STEINMETZ I06 N. Wisconsin De Peie Phone 12M) Rep Ted Manders De Pere 40 Romassa Oconto E. Chnstensen Cherry 8-F-H EAST DE PERE Beautiful brick home on North Broadway. Reception hall, living room with fireplace, dining room, library, kitchen, toilet and lavatory downstairs.

4 bedrooms and tile bath up. Lovely basem*nt Oil heat. J-car brick garage. $25,000 BARNARD CORPORATION REALTORS HOWARD 8 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Four-bedroom home on South Monroe. Fireplace.

Hot waler oil heat. Automatic water heater. 2-car a-rape Lai'fie lot. Move in when street is completed. $16,500.

A A CORPORATION REALTORS HOWARD SMAlX HOUSE FOR SALE INQUIRE 2575 WILLOWST. BUSINESS CORNER Four bedrooms with apartment in rear. Corner West Walnut and Chestnut. Lot 66x117 feet, BARNARD CORPORATION REALTORS HOWARD 6 AN EXCEPTIONAL WELL LOCATED ALL MODERN HOME Occupancy Reasonably Soon. Located on East side and you can visualize it from the following: Has reception hall, two living rooms, beautiful dining room, library, large kitchen with breakfast nook, new powder room on first floor.

Kitchen has inlaid linoleum. Cupboards are all steel. Electric dishwasher, electric stove. Entire kitchen is new. First floor has" oak finish.

Second floor has 4 bedrooms, sewing room, complete bath, plenty of closet space, linen closet, large attic. House is well insulated. Screens and storm windows. Full basem*nt, fruit room, laundry room with stationary tubs, toilet. Large automatic hot water heater.

American Radiator hot water heating system equipped with bin fed stoker. Large lot, well landscaped. Garage. This home is in excellent condition and must be inspected to be appreciated. For further particulars call CHAS.

J. O'CONNOR Realtor 316 N. Monroe Howard 4081 Howard 80 FOR SALE By owner, modern 3-rootn and hath home with furnace and hot water heater. Extra lot. $7800.

1824 11th Ave. Howard 4008-W. SOME GOOD BUYS BUNGALOWS SOLD SOUTH BROADWAY Living room, riming room, nun room. 2 bedrooms and bath. Basem*nt, furnace, Garage, SOLD JAMES STREET room, kitchen.

2 hedroorr.i and hath. Basem*nt, furnace. Garage. MUKWAN'EGO STREET Living room, dining room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms and bath. Basem*nt, new furnace.

2-car garag. YOU MAY HAVE IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY ON ALL OF THESE LISTINGS. CARTI ER-STEWART REAL ESTATE CO. Telephone Howard 3772 304 Bellin Building Frank Cartier Chas. Stewart Adams 3205 Adams 6132 Edward Hynek Adams 5577 ANNUNCIATION DISTRICT Beautiful Brick Home 1044 Elmore Street irst Floor Living room and dining room carpeted.

Natural fireplace. Kitchen with border inlaid linoleum. Breakfast nook. Tile powder room, bedroom and sewing room (or office). Second Floor 2 bedrooms, plenty of closet space, ward-robesi complete tile bath.

Full basem*nt Shower, automatic hot water heater, forced air heating plant. Home is completely insulated and weather stripped. Oood size lot, nicely landscaped. 1 car garage. Close 10 schools, churches, bus line.

For further particulars call CHAS. J. Howard 4081 O'CONNOR Mortrnp Howard 80 COMPLETELY' Modern brick bungalow at 2020 Deckner Ave For appointment, call Howard 747-R. BY' modern 3-bedroom home on West side. Screened porch, fuilv insulated.

Automatic hot water heatei. Near schools and bus. Call Howaid 4071 for appointment. FOR SALE 18 in. jigsaw with H.

P. motor, mnuiiren on laoie. rnone Adams 6021 -R PLUMBING. HEATING SUP. 67 54" AND 60' CABINET SINKS Gas and electric water aires, oil burners, stokers, radiators, batri tubs, steel shower stalls, plumbing and beating supplies.

We install GEO. V. REEKE CO. ADAMS Hill A COMPLETE Line of plumbing supplies. Boilers, furnaces, automatic not water heaters, stokers, unit heaters, radiators, septic tanks, copper tubing, tools, stocks, dies.

etc. AMERICAN PLUMBING SUPPLY CO. 1200 Main St Adams 1505 BUILDING MATERIALS 68 DRYPINE LOG" "SIDING Saves studding and inner wall. 40c per square tout. Ready now.

National Log Marinette, Wis. NEW A FOrTl'l OVTE S. 6P KT KS AND FILLING STATIONS. Available for immediate delivery. See them at our show room.

PETERS' WELDERS SUPPLY CO. 445 S. Jackson St. Howard 4979 PAINT SYRAYERS For sale or rent. Baldwin and Company 311 Main St.

Call Adams 5511 ROOFING Rolls 100 Sq Ft Per Roll $2 85 Also Hex Shingles All Colors AMERICAN PLUMBING 1200 MAIN ST. COAL AND WOOD 69 SLAB WOOD FOR SALE DELIVERED Soft wood $7 a load: mixed wood $8 00 a load: hard wood $10 a load One truckload is equivalent to more than 2 single cords. Phone Howard 2266. CALL AT 1453 CEDAR ST. WOOD Immediate ueliveiy.

20 m. cord $9.75. 14 in cord $6.75. Phone Cherry To-K-3. B.

Vickery and Sons. Sunniieo. Wis WEARING APPAREL TAILORED SLIPS White, lea lose, and black. Crepe and satin. Retail at $3 95 and $4 95.

regulars at $1 HO and $2 Sizes 32 through 42. True Manufacturing Co 108 N. Bioiuluav. De Here. Wisconsin.

WANTED TO BUY 71 AT CITY SALVAGE CO. best prices paid lor rags, paper, metals, etc. Will rallfot. Howard 5ti55. AT" KEEN BAY HAG SALVAGE Rags lc bundled paper 4oc per hundred, tlower pots $1.

Call Adams 5240 .107 S. Broadway. ATTENTION: Hubert La Luzerne "is paying top pi ices for rags, paper, iron and metals in Allonez. or Green Bay. For pukup.

call De Pere 972. CASH Paid lor your old gold, tewet lv. diamonds, dental crowns, bridges, etc. Top prices. Orwant s.

300 N. Washington on the corner. WANTED TO BUY We pay cash (or cameras, binoculars, men's uits. watches, diamond? and guns. Mam Street, Exchange, 121 Main St.

WANTED Heavy gauge wire fencing. 5 It or higher. Inqiiue Dousman St. Maiket Adams 5048. WANTED Four or ti-hoie ice cieain cabinet itii compi es.sor unit.

Must be in guild condition James Johnson. 102 Thai-r St, Plymouth, Wis. Phone 418-J HIGHEST PRICES In history now paid tor iron, metal, rags and batteries. Ward Lasch, Duck Creek. Phone Cherrv ail-E-12 Box 0-52, Press-Gazette.

WE PAY HIGHEST PRICES For newf. magazine and waste paper. Also new and used paper cartons CARL JOHNSON SON 1118 N. Quincy St. Howard 1669 FORWENT SLEEPING ROOMS 74 I FOR RENT Camping equipment, anv part or all.

Tent, table, chairs, stove, motor, utensils. By clav. week or month. Piitine Adams 5763. FOR GENT LYMAN On two bus lines Call Adams 5302-x, hetween 5 and 8 p.

iCe. Clean sleeping room for men Parking space available. 826 East Adams 2344. ONE Double and one single room for respectable gills. 413 S.

Madison St. Prefer two girls' or business woman. Pbone Howard 3145 SLEEPING ROOM AT 1511 CEDAR STRfiET HOWARD 570 WANTED Girl to shaie bedroomT Breakfast privileges. Must go home over week-ends. One block to bus.

Call Howard 4163. HOUSEKEEPING ROO ONE ROOM With hot and cold water for light housekeeping, suitable tor couDle or two gtris. Inquire at 3oo Madison St. or call Howard 4590 RENT. BUS.

PROPERTY 79 FOR RENT Business lot 40x100 and building at 201 S. Broadway. JHIL1 AM SON Howard 4099 HOUSES FOR RENT 78 TWO BEDROOM HOUSE For rent or Located belnu Chambers Hill on let hand side. Inquire Roily Giariv. Suanuco.

Wis RENT, COTTAGES. RESORT 80 COMPLETELY FURNISHED CABIN" Couple only. 10 miles out, West shore. Call Ilowai'if 1493. RELIABLE PARTY Would like to "rent cottage lor 4 tor week August 11.

Cull Adams 5548 WANTED TO RENT -81 A Shi Eli AN And wile need 3 or 4- i room lurntshed or unfurnished apt. Both woiking. Call Howard 1271. BOY SCOUT EXECUTIVE Needs five or more room house in Green Bay, De Pcie or mar vicimtv. Thiee I'tiiUlu-n 111 giaiie school.

Call Howard 2-HiO 8 and 5. DESIRE It) RENT Hour 01 "aiiai tment lor lamily, wite and 2 Respectable and rcsnonsihle tenant, sales engineer. Please write K. H. Newhurv.

212 E. Third St, Braver Dam. Wis. DESIRE 2 or 3-bedruom home on East Side. Not over $10,000.

Write Ro-0-B7. Press-Gazette. lOl'R Oi 5-i ooni an. tment a anted tor Wtiglittov.n High school teacher, wile and baby Can be 111 De Pcie. Green Rav or Wrigntstown.

Phone AHam: 2544 RELIABLE c6UPI.KWaiits 3 OI 4- rnorn Jurnisheri or unturnisned aDt. or ilat No ciiilfhcn. Howard SOLDIER'S" lie a'uVi i-TiflcT 2 eais old want 2 or furnished aoartmont Call Adams 1721 THUt'K" "InTv'EH I 'i'Jhh: ui 1 inent. No childien. Please call Howard 4115 TWO ADULTS "Ui gently need .1 or 4-100111 uii 1 ui'mMicd atiartment Call Adams URGENTLY NEED APT or house Two adults and 19 months old child.

Call Adams 5028. VETERAN Ami wile nrcrl Hat," apartment or house tiirnished or unfurnished Call De Fere 7ii.3-W WAN'I ED Ihice 01 4-roum aiiainiu nt or house by youne man if couple and 2-year-old daughter. Ad. 2217 WANTED Lower unfurnished apartment with 2 bedrooms Reliable couole Call Howard RRI-M WANTED Tw or oom apartment bv young couple to be married in August. No pets.

No children. Both employed. Call Howard 48K1. WANTED Unfurnished apt or bouse by young employed couple. No children, no Pets References.

Phone Howard 21KH after 4 rtpslres 3 or 4room hcated aortment. Rest reference Howard 3823. WANTED Small house or an apartment lor couple. No childien, no pets. Call Howard 6IHI5.

WANTED Unfurnished apartment for business woman. Call Adams 5424 alter 5:30 p. rn REAL ESTATE IIOMFS FOR SALE 83 MODERN 7-109111 home at 515 4th West De Peie Four rooms down and 3 moms and bath up Nice lot Good location. Call De Pere 249-W. Loans up to $1,000.00.

The WEST SIDE STATE BANK Personal Loan Department 310 West Walnut Street MONEY TO LOAN MORI GAGE LOANS We make loans on improved and farm real estate. Low interest rates. No commission charges. WISCONSIN NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. Oshkosh.

Wis MONEY TO LOAN On" Green" BavVit property. 4V George Michaels. 323 S. Adams St. Adams 3923.

MERCHANDISE DOGS CATS PETS 33 uitoo co*ckER PUPS in buff, red and black and back and tan. Also springer spaniel pups in liver and white. All preferred Also at stud two blacks, 1 red and 1 party lea $20 Prion De Pere 1225-J-2, FOR SALEA litter of liver and white snringer spaniels from America's most famous springer from International Champion Frejax Royal Salute. Time payments if preferred. Also at stud 2 black.

1 red and 1 farty co*cker. All AKC registered, ee $20. Phoie De Peie 1225-J-2. GOLDEN Collie puppies, a few terrier puppies, one German shepherd puppy apd some mixed breed Also a few part Angora kittens Oscar Peterson. 3rd house south ot Teds Bowling, upper De Pere road Pels and pet supplies for buds, cats and dogs.

-329 N. Madison St. CallAdams 84 PUPPIES FOR SALE $.1 AND $5 CALL CHERRY 77-E-3 THREE Marvelous female blood hounds for man trailing fir hunting Rig or small game, flesh or cold trails. Wonderiul. intelligent, trustworthy, atiectionate companions.

AKC registered. Henry Janssens, 1125 Neviiie Ave, Green Bay. BOATS MOTORS 91 EVINRUDE 17 6 H. Sporttour. In perfect condition.

New loner unit. Guaranteed fust pull starting Standard and Michigan Aqua Master pio-pelleis. Fastest engine of its size on Gieen Bav. Call Robert Rush at Howaid 56tK) heiore 4 p. in.

or New Fianken 3-R-ll after 5 m. for oemonsti at ion FOR SALE 16 ft Deluxe Outboard boat and 16 Johnson motor Boat like new. Can be seen ut 108 Yale I FOR SALE ft inboard motoi boat with 85 H. P. Ford motor.

614 N. Madison St. I FOR SALE One 3', P. Waterwitrli I I outboard motor. Like new.

Aoirty 1 at 104 Main Blvd. P'unski Service Stat ion FOR SAI.E-lfi H. Neptune mu board motor. Good condition, liioune alter 5 Ray Mcl'ormick. Red Banks Resort.

Route 1. Green Bay. FOR SALE Sligtly used H. P. Mercury out board motor.

1605 Smith St. "sru v' nine. a uig uim-oiimi. Aso )6 Thompson boat Phone Adams 3134. Green Bav Cleaners.

505 Main St. NEW BOATS FOR SAI.E-13. 14 and I 15 ft. long from $55 up to $85. One i runabout, also built to order.

Albert Rt. 1. Lena. Wis. NEW Runabout boat.

16 ft. Run bv Chevrolet motor. eats five. Call at Joe Fend s. 872 9th St.

MISCELLANEOUS 58 ADVERTISING Bookmatches, enrome stools and covers. Cainless steel tableware, fluorescent fixtures, any kind of printed necessities or special setups, sales books, tags, etc. For I appointment, anv place in drop; penny postcard to vans service 901 Harvey St Green Bav. Wis BUILDING FOR SALE Size 12 by 18 Inquire at 1419 Kurtz Ave, GreenBav CAMERAS 1 Ansco Speedex 4 5 1 -Speed Graphic F.ktar 3 7, R. 1 Busch Pressman 2'x3'i 4 5 R.

F. 1 8-mm. Univex Projector. TERP APPLIANCE 520 Walnut St. Adams 5582 I COUNTER STOOLS.

Soda electric light fixtures, ice box coil. Inquire Alpha Restaurant, 225 Main Street. FRIGIDAIRE New 12 ft. single duty display case. Fluorescent lights Self-contained.

NORTHERN METAL REG. CO 510 N. Webster Ave. Howard 57 FOR RENT Camping equipment, any part or all. Tent, table, chairs, stove, motor, utensils.

By day, week' or month. Phone Adams 5763. FOR SALE Case 7 ft. power mower. in ft.

power hinder. In good conrii- i tion. Phone De Pere i FOR SA LE Tavern equipment. In- quire at Northwestern Hotel. John Ciesielivyk FOR SALE Three or 4-room oil burner 2 years old.

1.101 Crooks St FOR SALE New prefabricated garage. To be moved. Inq at 1180 Mason St GROCERS SAVE On meat display cases. All white porcelain, equipped with fluorescent lights and meat platters. Excellent condition CHAE-DUQUAINE RFERIGER ATION CO.

Duck Creek Road Howard 5710 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY -On two new Westinghouse 80-gal. electric water heaters. each Knneller Ftec-tnc. 215 N. Washington St.

MOSSBERG 15 SHOT 22 CAL. AUTOMATIC Lightning Fast, Finely Balanced Accurate 530.90 MONTGOMERY WARD ORNAMENTAL Steel step made to order John Granius. 814 i Si Gt-uiMe Sl iioud. S. W.

PAINTS NOW AVAILABLE House Paint $5.35 Per Gal. Aluminum Paint $4 75 Per Gal. Red Barn Paint $1.95 Per Gal. AMERICAN PLUMBING CO, 1200 MAIN ST. SHOT GUNS One Winchester 12 gauge, 1 Remington .20 gauge.

Hana-way Shell Service Station. 131 S. Rroadw ay. TAVERNS CUSTOM BUILT BARS With new style tap boxes, bottle coolers, ice cubers. Stainless steel work boards.

Walk-in coolers. See Our Modern Equipment Before You Make Anv Choice. CHASE-DUQUAINE REFRIGERATION CO. DUCK CREEK ROAD Phone Howard 5710 lx2l BUILDING Must be moved i ft. good quality lumber.

Price $125. Inquire 2125 Willow. HOUSEHOLD GOODS 59 JUNGER Wood stove. Coolerator (ion lb. 9x12 ruir with pad, very "nd condition Walter Dm esn Ft.

3. Green Bay. Denmark 177-F-23. i I Writ. T4nv Pr.u (-azetle Write Box Ptess-Gaette.

PERSONAL LOANS 50 VACATION LOANS Lean! for vacation and travel, house and car repairs, medical expense, or nt worthy purpose quickly arranged on 1mt your aalary. auto or furniture. At DOMESTIC you may borrow quickly and privately. Repay in convenient monthly payments. Interest lust for the time you keep the money.


Manager "A Friendly Place to Borrow" HFC MEANS HOUSEHOLD FINANCE CORPORATION Where you can borrow $850, $500, $300 or lesj on salary, car or furniture without endorsers. If you need money for any worthwhile purpose, phone our convenient office today the number ij Adams 2090. Your loan can usually be completed the lame day. HOUSEHOLD FINANCE CORPORATION Minahan Second Floor K. E.

Cor. Washington and Walnut PHONE: Adams 2090 Loan Made to Farmers and Residents of Nearbv Towns. WHERE BORROWING FITS THE PATTERN OF THRIFT Borrowing for useful purpose Is not Inconsistent with thrift. So many replacements are needed, and there are so many emergency and unusual expenses, that tt becomes logical to pay for them on a monthly basis, out 01 income. Bogda'a modern loan aerv-lca makes these expenditures pos-tible for pui poses of home repair nd lmorovemenia.

medical bills, for automobile! and household appliances, etc. LOANS AND FINANCING AT ITS BEST Little Cost UberaJ Terms BOG DA FINANCE CO. Cedar at Jefferson Green Bay. Wis. LOANS BY PHONE $25 to $900 You Can Get Up to $300 on Your OWN SIGNATURE Phone Come In Write YOU can borrow up to $300 on your own signature at LOCAL LOAN.

Up to $900 on other convenient terms. Come in for ONE VISIT service or phone for your loan. Special service for ladies. Friends or relatives not notified. LOCAL, LOAN CO.

Second Floor 30O N. Washington Corner Washington and Pine Telephone Howjrd 4212 LOANS MADE TO FARMERS AND RESIDENTS Or NEARBY TOWNS. WRITE OR COME IN. 2 A tel. simple lines, tine grain xi i rug.

all wool. all Howaid S2Z-. "5 pi ece akTdIn fx ROOM SI 'IT REASONABLE $25 ADA MS 3252 MUSICAL GOODS 60 ACCORDIONS Tuned, repaired. New bellows. Work and prices unequaled.

New and used accordions for sale. Mecca Accordions. 14.18 Norwood FLAT" Boehm French clarinet." Can he seen from 1 to 6 m. at 928 Mason St. Adams 966.

PIPE ORGANS Rebuilt or new stops added. Chimes. J. H. McGaw, 617 Pl.eheSt.

Howard 1891. UPRIGHT PIANO FOR SALE CALL CHERRY 27-F-fl. CAN SAVE $100 here YOU on a new Spinet 1240 Main St piano. andenberg I RADIOS REPAIRS 61 ACME RADIO EVERYTHING IN RADIO. HOME AND AUTO, TUBES, PARTS, SERVICE 1584 MAIN ST ADAMS BASTEN RADIO SERVICE For better service on all makes and models Adams 3688.

1553 Willow. EXPERT RADIO SERVICE All Makes Phone Adams 931 ABE'S 320 N. Washington St. EXPERT RADIO SERVICE Prompt pickup and return. TERP APPLIANCE 520 E.

Walnut St. Adams 5582 FASTEST RADIO SERVICE IN TOWN COMPLETE STOCK OE PARTS ir.v nrtuiu. iui FOR SALE Belmoril radio-phono-giaph, 8 tubes. Just like new. 819 N.BairdSt.Hoard2a0.-J.

GUARANTEED RADIO REPAIRING RENO RADIO AND APPLIANCE S92. 1 1" MOTOROLA Auto radios. Sales, serv ice and Installation South side Radio Service 702 Mason St Call Aciams 3224 RADIO SERVICE All work guaranteed Neville Appliances, 1525 Willow St Phone Adams 2864 THE RADIO' pickup service on radios. Open evenings. Call Howard 3464 1100 Walnut Sf USED RADIOS ZENITH Cuiisiiie model.

In excellent condition. EX ER A ELECTR Tn model. 3 bands. button -selector. Perfect condition.

GENERAL I Smll sue table model. Push button selector. Good condition. All Priced Very Low. 1 tKr At rLI AINLt .521) E.

Walnut St. Phone Adams 5'S2 STORE, OFFIC EQUIPMENT 62 ADDING" MACHINE. Typewriter, desk', tallies, chairs, odd flies and miscf l-laneous used items. Racine's Bar-gam Basem*nt. 1236 Mam St.

MACHINERY -TOOLS 6(i ACETYLENE Prest-O-Weld' 'welding supplies and eouipment Linde oxygen. Electric welders and supplies Green Bay Welding Supply corner of Cedar end Quincv St. Phone Adams 681 CONCRETEMIXERS cu. It. $5150.

with 1 ii p. gas engine, rubber tires 18. '1 bag $2i5. Immediate deliverv. MAC HINE tO bh4 Mantua i CONCRETE BLOCK MACHINE VIBRATOR $211(111.

makes 800 per riav, 88xl6. 4x8xlS. Chimney corner block. Immediate delivery. Dealer inquiries invited.

MARVEL MACHINE KM Mantua Woodbury. N. J. PAINT SPRAYING MACHINES Are Now Available. All Sizes.


Green Bay Press-Gazette from Green Bay, Wisconsin (2024)


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Name: Delena Feil

Birthday: 1998-08-29

Address: 747 Lubowitz Run, Sidmouth, HI 90646-5543

Phone: +99513241752844

Job: Design Supervisor

Hobby: Digital arts, Lacemaking, Air sports, Running, Scouting, Shooting, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.