SUNDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1928. 10 THE CHATTANOOGA TIMES: CHATTANOOGA, TWO ENGAGEMENTS REVEALED AT PARTY Chickamauga Home Scene of Double Surprise Event. Miss Fleitz to Wed J. M. Mason, Miss Hentz Engaged to J.
T. Kelley. CHICKAMAUGA, Oct. Misses Louise Fleitz and Betty Sue Hentz were Joint hostesses at 8 party Saturday evening at the home of the former. Heart dice vas played.
The surprise of the evening was the announcement of the engagement of Miss Fleitz to James M. Mason, of Chickamauga, and also the announcement of Miss Hentz's engagement to Julian T. Kelley, of Cincinnati. A sandwich course with hot chocolate was served. The hostesses were assisted in entertaining by Miss Minnie Lee Stacy and Miss Helen Wallace.
The series of meetings which have been In progress at the First Baptist church for the past two weeks continue to grow in interest. The services are in charge of the Rev. J. L. Steele, of the South Broad Baptist church, of Rome.
The music is directed by Mr. and Mrs. W. Earl Robinson, of Chattanooga, evangelistic singers. Special services are held each evening.
On Monday evening home and family life was observed and a Bible was presented to Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hixon, who represented the largest family of the community.
On Tuesday evening young people's night was observed. On Wednesday evening the Chickamauga Boy Scout troop. with their leader, R. L. Murphy.
of Chattanooga, attended. On Friday evening the Friendship and Girls' Reserve clubs attended. The meeting will continue throughout this week. Fifty additions have been made to the church. Mrs.
R. H. Jewell was the hostess to the Bible Study class of the Methodist church Monday afternoon. The hostess, who is -leader presided and gave the Bible lesson. Mrs.
E. H. Wyatt and Mrs. Mattie Trippe were joint hostesses to the auxiliary of the Presbyterian church Wednesday afternoon. Mrs.
J. E. B. Martin, president, presided. A program Was given on foreign missionary work.
A salad course with coffee was served. Shower Given Mrs. Madaris; Davis Family Holds Reunion. Mrs. Garnett Madaris, a recent bride, was the honoree at a miscellaneous shower at her home Friday evening, when the class of the First Baptist church, of which she is a member, entertained in her honor.
The honoree was presented a number of attractive gifts. An ice course with cake was served. reunion of the pioneer Davis family, of this section, was held Sunday at the old Davis home, near here. A large number of the descendants of Mrs. L.
T. Davis and the late Mr. Davis were present. At noon basket lunch was served on the lawn. Among those from a distance were Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas J. Davis, of Portland, Ore. Mrs. Davis, who resides at the old home, is in her eighty-sixth year.
She has reared twelve children, ten daughters and two 80115. Ten of the children are living and all but two daughters of the family were present for the reunion Sunday. Miss Edna Williams entertained the P. 8. club at her home at Rock Spring Thursday evening.
Miss Martha Henry, president, presided. Plans were discussed for giving play at an early date. An ice course with cake was served. The Rev. F.
H. Veazey, of Rossville, filled the pulpit of the Garrett's Chapel Methodist church Sunday -Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hunter spent the week-end at La Grange, where they were the guests of their daughter, Miss Margaret Hunter, who is a student at La Grange college.Miss Lucille Payne has returned from an extended visit with relatives at Tullahoma, Mr. and Mrs.
Millard Autrey announce the birth daughter, whom they have named Mary -Mr. Piper spent the week-end in Nashville, the guest of his daughter, Miss Margaret Piper, who 18 a student at Ward-Belmont college.Miss Julia Carlock is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Henry in -Mrs. Marcus Ervin, of Asheville, N.
spent the week-end with her brother, S. P. Hall.A. H. Bradley and Joe Moshein are attendins the textile exhibition in Greenville, 8.
0. -M. A. Camp is 111. -Mr.
and Mrs. J. T. Glass have returned to their home at Adel. after a visit with relatives in this -Mrs.
Carl Roberts and children. of Chicago, are the guests of Mr. Roberts' father and sister, K. B. Roberts, and Misses Cora and Temple Roberts.
Mrs. Roberts was called here by the death of her sister, Mrs. Charles Howell- Mrs. 8. D.
Cherry, who has been ill is much J. A. Rankin and Carl Ellis have returned from a trip to Murfreesboro, Tenn. -Mr. and Mrs.
Ben Sutton. of Ellijay, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hensley and Lee and Roy Barnes, all of Smyrna, were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs.
C. A. Woodward. Mr. and Mrs.
J. 0. King and children have returned from a visit with relatives at Sycamore, Ala. They were accompanied to Sycamore by Mr. King's sister, Miss Mamie King, who has been spending several weeks -Mrs.
R. R. Owings is 111. -C. B.
Hearn attended the annual fall ceremonies of the Kamram Grotto in Birmingham last -Mrs. Francis Nalley, of Cumberland. is expected to arrive this week for a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.
F. -Mr. and Mrs. George Roark, of Tyner, were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs.
T. A. -Miss Hilda Howard, of Summerville, was the week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. J.
E. -Mr. and Mrs. Tom Tasso have returned to their home at Tasso, after 8 visit with Mr. and Mrs.
Joe -Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Porter, who have been the guests of their daughter, Mrs.
Roy Wiggins, in Macon, have returned -Mrs. D. A. Jewell, and Mrs. 8.
P. Hall attended the northwest regional W. M. U. institute at Cartersville, last week as representatives from the W.
M. U. of the Coosa Baptist Harry Williams, of Asheville, will come this week for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Clayton -Mrs.
A. H. Bradley, Miss Catherine Bradley and Joe the Bradley spent Sunday in Chattanooga, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hamic.
Crawford Westbrook has accepted a position at Princeton, Ky. Mrs. Westbrook and children will join him later and will spend the winter at Princeton. COLLINSVILLE. Chattanooga Times Special.
COLLINSVILLE, Oct. Mrs. Homer Nance entertained with three tables of bridge at her new home Friday afternoon, honoring her guest, Mrs. C. A.
Goodwin, of Albertville. The home was decorated with profusion of flowers. Miss Lillie Myers won first prize and Mrs. H. F.
Smith consolation, Mrs. Goodwin receiving guest prize. A salad course was served. C. A.
Goodwin and Miss of Al Albertville, and Miss Cecille Revise, Los Angeles, were guests of and Mrs. Homer Nance -Mrs. Emmit Sage Tea Turns Gray Hair Dark By SHIRLEY BLAKE That beautiful, even glossy hair can only be had by brewing mixture of Sage Tea and Sulphur. Your hair is your charm. It makes or mars the tace.
When it fades, turns gray or streaked, just an application or two of Sage and Sulphur enhances its appearance a hundredfold. Don't bother to prepare the mixture. You can get this famous old receipe, improved by the addition of other ingredients, for only 75 cents, all ready for use. It is called Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound. This can always be depended upon to bring back the natural color and luster of your hair.
Everybody uses "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound because it darkens so naturally and evenly that nobody can tell it has been applied. You simply dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through the hair, taking one small strand at a time; by morning the gray hair has disappeared, and after another application It becomes beautifully dark and appears glossy and lustrous. Siniard, of Birmingham. is visiting Siniard and family, -The following ers attended the teachers' Institute Payne Monday and Tuesday: U. H.
R. D. Taylor. Mesdames H. C.
Collins, nie Johnson. Mandy Robinson; Misses lee McElrath, Mildred Billingsley, Mary Lou Hughes, Louise Nicholson, Charisie Davis, Lummie Siniard, Lillian Johnson, Nora Dobbs, Euline Hawkins and Reedy -Miss Myra Newman, of Springville, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Y.
Newman. Mr. and Mrs. B. S.
Nowlin, Misses Alma Yarbrough and Hazel Nowlin motored here from Altoona Sunday and were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. The funeral Mrs.
C. E. Stewart was conducted at the Methodist church Wednesday afternoon by the Rev. C. L.
Summer. Those out of town attending the funeral of Mrs. C. E. Stewart were Mrs.
Laura Reed. Miss Emma Reed and George Reed, Mrs. Charles Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. W.
B. Ponder, Mr. and Mrs. Will Reed; Mesdames George Truss, Alice Nicholson and Susie Nix, of Birmingham; Mesdames Earl Cochran, W. T.
Miller, J. H. McCartney and Shep Killian, of Fort Payne; the Rev. and Mrs. R.
H. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Echols, Mrs. J.
V. and Miss Mabel Roden Waldrop, of Albertville, and Mesdames Lula Carden and Mary Smith, of -Misses Altralee McElrath, Mildred Billingsley, Mary Lou Hughes and Cliff Mitchell spent the week-end in -Miss Laura Weaver spent the week-end in Birmingham with her sister, Miss Lillian -Miss Delilah Stone spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H.
Stone, at Rhea City, Tenn. SPRING CITY. Chattanooga Times Special. SPRING CITY, Oct. The junior and senior classes the Spring City school recently held elections of class officers which resulted as follows: Junior Class -President, Idella Rollins: vice-president, Mary Heiskell; secretary and treasurer, Marion Garrison; class instructor, Miss Clara Masterson.
Senior Class- President, Condon Wasson: vice-president, John Ewing; secretary and treasurer, William Tallent: class instructor, Miss Clara Masterson. Prof. W. A. Brickey spent Friday the guest of Dr.
C. O. Gray at Washington callege. Prof. Brickey was appointed by the Tennessee synod to make a report of Washington college this week at the meeting of the synod.
which convened at the Second Presbyterian church in Chattanooga. A special meeting of Spring City chapter, No. 209, Order of Eastern Star, was held at the chapter rooms Monday evening. Mrs. Pierce Ketchersid was Initiated into the order.
During the absence of the worthy matron, Mrs. 8. M. Wallace, and the worthy patron, J. R.
Fischesser, the meeting was presided over by Mrs. A. D. Strathern and Prof. W.
A. Brickey, A called meeting the Community Improvement league held Wednesday afternoon at the I. 0. F. hall.
Plans were discussed for the annual Halloween carnival to be held Wednesday, Oct. 31, at the school gymnasium. Mrs. Harriet Hoyal, president, presided. Guests for the week-end of Mr.
and Mrs. Roy L. Hoes were Mr. Hoes' parents, Mr. and Mrs.
C. W. Hoes, of Cincinnati, and Mr. Hoes' brother, C. F.
Hoes, and Mrs. Hoes, also of Cincinnati. Mrs. C. W.
Hoes remained over for a longer visit here. Mr. and Mrs. Z. T.
Watkins, of Ooltewah, were guests this week of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Rogers and Mr.
and Mrs. A. B. Collins.Miss Ann Holloway returned Friday to Johnson City after an extended visit here with Mr. and Mrs.
J. R. -Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Kemmer and little daughter, Frances, of Grand Rapids, spent several days here this week, the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. D. C. Kemmer. They made the trip by motor and are returning via Atlanta and Washington.
D. C. Dr. Kemmer will attend a medical meeting while in Atlanta. -Mr.
and Mrs. Bernard Bender, of Chattanooga, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. B.
Heiskell- -Frances Collins and Lynn Rankin. students at Maryville college, spent the week-end here with Mr. and Mrs. W. Edgar Collins.
-Miss Corrynne Heiskell. of Tennessee Wesleyan college, Athens, was the guest of her aunts, Misses Vesta and Eva Caldwell, The Rev. A. P. Vinton is able to be up after a week's ness.
-Mrs. K. C. Heiskell and son, John. of Chattanooga, were guests of Misses Vesta and Eva Caldwell for the -Mr.
and Mrs. J. H. Reid, of Chattanooga, were guests of Mrs. S.
B. Reid -Mayor and Mrs. J. W. C.
Cunnyngham were weekend guests of Dr. Jenkins and Miss Tennie Jenkins at Jefferson -Dr. and Mrs. James T. Warren, of Jefferson City, spent the week-end here, the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. J. C. -Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Darwin, of Slaton, are guests of Mr. Darwin's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C.
Darwin. Miss Grace Hart returned the first of the week from a visit with the Henry familles in Greensboro, -Mrs. D. C. Lavender returned Wednesday to her home in Washington.
D. C. She was accompanied to Knoxville by Dr. and Mrs. A.
D. Strathern. Will Strathern, of Covington. is the guest of his parents. Mr.
and Mrs. J. W. Strathern. Mr.
and Mrs. V. Z. Cline and son, Harold: Mrs. Mary Barron, Miss Sarah Neil and William Hillery spent Sunday picnicking at Jewett.
-Miss Frances Bacon, of New York City, was the guest of Mrs. Wash Cawood. Miss Bacon has returned from trip abroad, where she spent some time studying -Mr. and Mrs. R.
W. Gross, Mrs. Lena Wasson and Mrs. Maude Eastland were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
E. R. Miller in Graysville Sunday- -Mrs. G. 8.
Barton is ill at her home -Mrs. R. Gregory, of Memphis, was the guest of Mrs. 8. B.
Reid and other relatives here this week. L. Peak, of Jefferson City: Mr. and Mrs. C.
Luttrell, of Knoxville: Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Underwood and sons.
James and Fred, of Clinton: Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Billingsley, of Chattanooga: Mr.
and Mrs. Will Ewing and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ewing, of Sweetwater, were called here last week by the illness of J. K.
Peak. Mr. Peak's condition shows some Improvement this week. Mr. and Mrs.
E. D. Caldwell and children, Steward and Miss Eugenia, of Chattanooga, were guests of the Caldwell family Sunday. Steward Caldwell left this week for Los Angeles, where he will enter a school of electrical -Dr. Richard Waterhouse, of Knoxville, and Leon Waterhouse, of Chicago.
were guests last week of Mr. and Mrs. Carson Edmondson. Mrs. C.
L. Gulliford was called to Chicago Sunday by the illness of her son-inlaw, Mr. -J. W. C.
Cunnyngham and W. A. Brickes attended synod at the Second Presbyterian church in Chattanooga -V. Z. Cline attended the grand lodge of I.
0. 0. F. in Nashville this -Mr. and Mrs.
Edgar Broyles, of Dayton, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Pierce Ketchersid. -Condon Wasson. Misses Ruth Wasson and Pearl Cash spent Sunday in Chattanooga with relatives.Dr.
and Mrs. W. P. McDonald had as their dinner guests Tuesday Dr. and Mrs.
T. R. Kemmer and daughter, Frances. of Grand Rapids, and Mrs. W.
R. Gregory, of Memphis. MONTEAGLE. Chattanooga Times Special. MONTEAGLE, Oct.
The Young P. People's Service league met Friday evening at the Community house. A talk was given by Bill Griffith on "The Foundation of Our New officers for the year were elected 88 follows: Collis Gregory, president; Harold Lowrie, vice-president; Miriam Lautzenheiser, secretary: Lillie Smith, treasurer. Games were enjoyed. Thirty-two members were present.
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Parker entertained at Sunday dinner in honor of their daughter and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Jay O'Neal and children, of Chattanooga. Covers were laid for seven. Miss Miriam B. Allen entertained with birthday party Friday afternoon in honor of the fourth birthday anniversary of Deloris Witt.
Eighteen guests were invited, and games and contests were enjoyed. Late in the afternoon an ice course was served. The honoree received, number of attractive gifts. Mrs. Emma McCullen and two children, Winnie, were the week -end guests of her sister, Mrs.
Rupert -Dr. E. H. Merriman has returned from a conference in Washington, D. -Mr.
and Mrs. D. P. Hunziker, of Galveston, were visiting their aunt here last -Mrs. Annie Lautzenbeiser and Mrs.
Sallie Cashian were visiting relatives in Kelso. last Herman Reese, of Mississippi, is visiting his brother, R. C. Reese, at Du Bose school. -J.
E. Riley has returned to his work at DuBose school -Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Walker, of Dunlap, were visiting Mrs. Walker's father here last Miss Anna Metcalf, of Hillsboro, was the guest of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. A. Metcalf, last Sunday. -Miss Pearl Harris, of Chattanooga, was the week-end guest of Miss co*ker -Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Frances, of Cowan, were the week-end guests of Mrs. Mary -Mrs. Tennie Kilgore is visiting her son and family in -Ernest Lautzenheiser left last Friday for Chattanooga, where he will spend the -Miss Clara Wooten has returned from a visit to Mrs. Maude Mankin in Chattanooga.
-Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bennett, of Chattanooga, were the weekend guests of Mr. Bennett's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
W. D. -Mrs. W. H.
Langley has returned after a two-months -Mrs. M. A. Ridge is visiting her Partin, in Arm, -Mr. and Mrs.
Jim of Alto. were visiting Mrs. Partin's brother, Clarence Scharer, last Tuesday. The Chinese have a new battleship named "Peace." To a Chinaman, peace is something that gets shattered when he tries to get his rights. So that explains that, at Hassell, teach- Fort ENGAGEMENTS OF J.
T. CHICKAMAUGA BELLES ANNOUNCED Fan- 3 Miss Bettie Sue Hentz (left), of Chickamauga, whose engagement to Julian T. Kelley, formerly of Rome, now and of Cincinnati, is announced by her parents, November at the home of the bride. The bride-elect is the second daughter of Mr. Mr.
and Mrs. Charles F. Hentz. The marriage will be an event of early She received her education at the Hearn academy at Cave Springs, and the State Normal college, Mrs. Hentz and is a young lady of charming personality.
of Cumberland, and Miss Maude Hentz, Chickamauga. Her only brother is Robert Hentz. Mr. Kelley Athens, member of the well-known Kelley family of Floyd county. He holds a responsible position in Ga.
Her sisters are Mrs. Francis Nalley, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. N. A.
Kelley, of Rome, and a Cincinnati. William J. Fleitz, of Chickamauga, announce her engagement to James M. Mason, of At the right is Miss Sarah Louise Fleltz, whose parents, Mr. and Mrs.
the Methodist Episcopal church, south, of Chickamauga. The bride-elect is the only daughter of Mr. and Chickamauga, the wedding to be solemnized Nov. 29 at She received her education at the Chickamauga High school and Elmira college, Elmira, N. Y.
Her Mrs. Fleitz and is a charming and accomplished young lady. only brother is Bernard Fleitz, of Elmira, N. Y. Mr.
Mason is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mason, of Chickamauga.
He is a graduate of the Chickamauga High school. HUNTSVILLE A. IN ACTIVE SEASON Home for Teachers Furnished by Association. Dinner Dance Held at Golf and Country Club- -D. A.
R. Gives Annual Benefit. Chattanooga Times Special. HUNTSVILLE, Oct. -The parentteacher association, of Riverton, 8 suburb of Huntsville, has formed one of the livest organizations in the county.
Misses Williams and Delaney, the welfare workers of the county, have aided in the furnishing a home for the teachers. Mrs. Clarence Lawler is chairman of the association and the social held there several nights 880 was largely attended and much enjoyed. Mrs. Lowry Orgain entertained the members of the Saturday Bridge club this week.
The home was prettily decorated in autumn flowers, and after the award of the prizes the hostess served a salad course. The Aladdin club met with Miss Josephine Penney this week. The rooms were gaily decorated in Halloween colors and, after the prizes had been presented, the hostess served a salad. Mrs. Edgar Clift was hostess at the weekly meeting of the Grace club.
Quite a few guests were included with the members of the club, and bridge was played. A delicious salad, followed by ices, was served. Mrs. J. W.
Caldwell, Mrs. E. T. Terry, Mrs. J.
R. Thompson. Mrs. Kirby Cartwright, Mrs. J.
E. Walker, Mrs. Claude Davis. Mrs. George Bennett and Miss Mary Hutchens attended the synodical of the Presbyterian church.
held at Decatur this week. Two days were spent in study programs and each day dinner was served at the hotel. A dinner dance was held at the Huntsville Golf and Country club Wednesday. Tables were reserved for sixty people and a dinner was enjoyed at 7. The remainder of the evening was spent 171 dancing.
In the presence of a number of relatives and friends Miss Willie Kate Williams and Nolen Drake were married Sunday afternoon in the Big Cove church. The Rev. A. C. Strickling was the officiating minister.
Mr. and Mrs. Drake left immediately after the ceremony for their honeymoon in Chattanooga. The Mary Bradley Literary society met Thursday evening in their clubrooms at Merrimack and rendered 8 program. A number of guests, parents and teachers were present at a meeting held by the parent-teacher association of West Clinton street.
when the pupils entertained. Mrs. Ed Johnston, president of the association, reported for the Acme club that its members would co-operate with the association by offering $10 prize for the best essay on the Parent-Teacher Association Means to My School." Every boy and girl in the school may enter the contest and the one who wins this prize will then contest for the state prize offered by the Birmingham News. Relatives and friends in Huntsville have received cards announcing the marriage of Miss Carrie Mae Blakemore to Harry Evans, of Birmingham. The ceremony was performed in Birmingham Oct.
8. The bride is a sister of Mr. and Mrs. G. W.
Fisk, of this city. News has been received of the marriage of Miss Dovie Hughes and Allen Singleton, who took their friends by surprise and motored to Fayetteville and were married. The ceremony was performed by Judge Sims. Mesdames Bertha Dubose and Tom Hooper accompanied the couple. The bride is the charming daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. T. E. Hughes, of this city, and has a host of friends. Mrs.
Hugh Haden, of Los Angeles, was delightfully entertained at a bridge party given her by Mrs. Robert Gunn. Bouquets of yellow and pink roses were effectively used in the decorations. In the rook games Mrs. Willis Latham won the high score prize.
Low score was made by Mrs. Dement Hall. In the bridge count Mrs. W. H.
Hilson won the high score prize, Mrs. Gordon Anderson made low and Mrs. M. M. Cantrell, cut the consolation.
A salad course, followed by ices, was served. The annual benefit bridge party tendered each year by the Daughters of the American Revolution was held Tuesday at the home of Miss Susie Spragins on Echols hill. This old colonial home was made more attractive by the adornment of autumn flowers and potted plants. Guests were seated at fifty tables. The funds derived from this annual event, given by Twickenham Town chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, goes to help educate a girl in the D.
A. R. school on Gunter's mountain, near Guntersville. Mr. and Mrs.
William E. Matthews, of Montgomery, are visiting relatives and friends in Huntsville. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Carter and Mrs.
Raymond Jones are visiting in -Mrs. J. A. Pender and Mrs. Nicholas Rightor have returned from Nashville and are guests in Huntsville for They will leave Sunday for New Orleans, where they will spend the winter.
-Mr. and Mrs. R. L. O'Neal, are guests of Mr.
and Mrs. C. C. O'Neal in Canton. -Mrs.
W. J. Shipman, of Birmingham, is visiting her sister, Mrs. T. A.
spent the week-end with his Chattanooga, Mrs. Alice Mrs. Joe Hasmother, has returned home from 8 visit to Mrs. kew Wilkes Reece in Chattanooga. SUMMERVILLE.
Chattanooga Times Special. Oct. 20. The Woman's Missionary society met SUMMERVILLE, Methodist church Tuesday afternoon when at the 2 entertained Circle 1. The church Circle beautifully decorated, baskets of zinwas dahlias and ageratum being nias, artistically arranged.
After the business cosmos, session separately, of each circle, 8 thorough program was by the chairman, Mrs. F. W. enjoyed in unison, showing Special features were solo, "Jesus preparation Hall. by little Miss Betty Willis Loves Hemphil, and a reading by Miss Fay the program a surprise in the ton.
birthday shower was given the After form a Mrs. T. H. Maxwell, by little of Betty Rivers Sick and little Miss Betty president, Miss Hemphill, representing the society. O.
A. Selman, Mrs. W. W. Hinton Mrs.
and Miss Mary Penn were joint hostesses at a broiling party last Saturday afternoon at the Montgomery Lake club, honoring L. W. Massie, a bride-to-be; Miss Mrs. Agnes Handwerker, of Memphis, who is Lamb, visMrs. Massie, and Mrs.
Irene iting Chattanooga, who was a guest last week of of Mrs. Wesley Shropshire. Mrs. John D. Taylor, Mrs.
O. A. Selman, J. B. Whisnant and Miss Mary Penn Mrs.
entertained with a tea Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Whisnant in honor of Mrs. L. W. Massie, 8 bride-elect.
The Rev. and Mrs. G. P. Gary and sons, Paul, Albert and Beverly, of Warm Springs, were visitors here last -Mrs.
J. B. Lee, of Chattanooga, is visiting her niece, Mrs. W. H.
Tallent, and Mrs. Tallent. -Mr. and Mrs. B.
D. Massey and little son spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. J. H.
Glanton, at -William and John Pitner, of Chattanooga, are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Pitner.
-Mrs. R. H. Orr, of Vadalia, is visiting friends Mrs. G.
E. Hill and little daughter, of Fort Payne, are the guests of Mrs. L. W. -A.
J. Ellenburg, G. H. Crawford, L. C.
Turner and J. A. Pullen have returned from Greenville, S. where they attended a textile -W. L.
Abbott spent Sunday in Atlanta, and were accompanied home by Mrs. W. L. Abbott, who had visited in Taylorsville and Atlanta for several -Mrs. Wilfred Caulkins and little daughter, of Chattanooga, were guests of Col.
and Mrs. John D. Taylor last Judge and Mrs. John W. Bale, Mrs.
Beulah Bale Steele and little son, of Rome, and Miss Nancy Latimer, of Atlanta, were guests Sunday of Mrs. R. D. -Dr. H.
D. Brown attended the Interstate Post Graduate Medical Society of North America in Atlanta this -Miss Margaret Pullen has accepted 8 position in -Mr. and Mrs. C. C.
Stacy and children, of Dalton, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Henderson -Mrs.
J. N. Taliaferro was the guest Sunday of Miss Kate Benjamin at William Williams attended the Tennessee-Tulane football game in New Orleans last -Mrs. Lizzie Humphries, of Dalton, is spending this week with her sister, Mrs. I.
M. Henderson. Scott Pullen, of Georgia Tech, Atlanta, spent the week-end with his parents here. -Mr. and Mrs.
Sam Thompson and son spent Sunday in Rome, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henderson -Mrs. C. C.
L. Rudicil, Charles Rudicil and little Miss Serena Wept, of Chickamauga, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wilson.Howard McGinnis and children and Mrs. Frank McGinnis and children, all of Birmingham, spent several days last week with Mr.
and Mrs. Luell McGinnis.Leheman Moseley, of Rembert, S. spent the week-end in the home of Mr. and Mrs. D.
P. -C. L. Hale and daughters spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
T. B. House in Rome. WARTRACE. Chattanooga Times Special.
WARTRACE, Oct. Wednesday Afternoon Study club met with Miss Clyde Gilmore as hostess in the study of the drama Mesdames Connell and Stephenson were leaders, with Miss Brown giving current theater news. Mrs. A. L.
Russell was hostess Tuesday for the W. M. which held an all-day meeting, sewing for their little girl at the Baptist Orphans' home. An entire wardrobe was furnished and made on that day. This is the second child this society has adopted, a boy being clothed until he was old enough to leave the home.
The Nashville presbytery met here Thursday in a Sunday school convention. Sunday rally was held with a number of visitors and speakers. Representatives from churches in Nashville, Murfreesboro, Cripple Creek, Shelbyville, Bethsalem and other places were here and the crowd numbered about 200. J. B.
Sibley led the devotional and other speakers were C. C. Smith, of Shelbyville; Mrs. Lakoff, of Nashville: Edgar Williams. of Murfreesboro: Mrs.
Gant and Mrs. Williams, of Shelbyville. A musical program included some solos by the Rev. A. A.
McClannahan, local Baptist minister. The attendance banner was won by the Bethsalem school. A number of ministers were present. Dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs.
P. King Wednesday were Mrs. John King, of Prairie Plains, and Mrs. R. K.
Stephens, of Cortner; J. Gillette, of Fort Worth, and Mrs. Joe Ashley. The parent-teacher association held called meeting Monday at which it voted to give a Halloween party for the benefit of the school. This party is to given Nov.
2. The Bedford county teachers' institute will meet at the new school biulding in Wartrace Oct. 27. The A. will serve lunch.
The new library has been installed in the new library room at the school and is open to pupils at all hours. The cafeteria has also been opened and hot lunches, milk and fruit will be served. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Street, Mrs.
Clyde Shoftner and Arthur Healan, have gone to The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Carrothers is seriously ill of -Miss Mary Dickerson attended the reception given at the Andrew Jackson hotel In Nashville in honor of Mrs. Alfred E. -Mrs.
Kelley Norvell, of Detroit, and Mrs. Lesley Landers, of Shelbyville, were recent guests of Mrs. Mamie -Mrs. Annie Gilmore visited relatives in Nashville -Mrs. Ruskin King will arrive Monday for a visit with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. John R. Justice. -Mr. and Mrs.
Fleet Prater have returned after spending the week-end in Dr. and Mrs. John L. Walker, of Murfreesboro, were Sunday guests of Mr. J.
0. Robert Justice, of Greensboro. N. has been the guest of his brother, John E. -Miss Madeline Blackman has returned to Tennessee college after spending the week-end with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. E. L. -Mr. and Mrs.
Oscar Ashley spent Sunday with relatives in Beech -Miss Elsie Slater spent the week-end with her parents, returning to Maryville Monday night.Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Willingham and Mrs. Vassar Patrick, of Macon, were guests Tuesday of their aunt, Mrs.
John Simms. -Dr. and Mrs. M. L.
Connell have moved into the J. W. Taylor cottage recently purchased from the Taylor -Mrs. C. C.
Richard has returned from Chattanooga. Mrs. W. D. Newman has returned to Knoxville and Mrs.
G. J. Steele to Chattanooga after visiting Mrs. C. C.
Richard. -The and Mrs. H. T. Tipps are attending conference of the M.
E. church, south. this week in Murfreesboro. Friends are hoping they will be returned here.Mrs. W.
H. Hooser and Billy Hooser have returned from Murfreesboro. Some people have sense 'and others argue with a man who can't see the corruption in his own party. GET RID OF YOUR FAT Thousands of others have gotten rid of theirs by my simple and efficient method of fat reduction without starvation diet or burdensome exercise, often at a very rapid rate and WITHOUT PAYMENT until reduction has taken place. I am a licensed practicing physician and have made a careful study of the physiological requirements of the human body.
This has enabled me to select such ingredients and in such proportion as in my opinion will produce not only a loss of weight without harm and an improvement in health, but with it an alleviation of all of the troublesome symptoms which frequently accompany and often are a direct result of overstoutness, such as shortness of breath on slight exertion, palpitation of the heart, not to speak of the relief from the embarrassment of being too stout. Stout persons suffering from such diseases as Chronic Rheumatism, Gout, Eczema, Asthma and high blood pressure are greatly relieved by a reduction of their superfluous fat. My treatment will relieve that depressed, tired, sleepy feeling, giving you the renewed energy and vigor which come as a result of the loss of superfluous fat. If you are overstout do not postpone but sit down right now and send for my TRIAL TREATMENT and my plan whereby I FREE am to be PAID REDUCTION HAS TAKEN PLACE if you so desire, ONLY AFTER DR. R.
NEWMAN, 286 Fifth New York- -Desk MISS INEZ DOSTER WEDS ARTHUR NEAL Nuptial Event Solemnized at Lyerly Home. Rev. Black Officiates- -Young Couple to Make Home in Atlanta. Chattanooga Times Special. LYERLY, Oct.
-Beautiful in Its simplicity was the marriage of Miss Inez Doster to Arthur Neal, of Atlanta, which was solemnized on Wednesday morning at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Doster.
The Rev. J. G. Black, pastor of the Lyerly Baptist church, officlated, using the ring ceremony. The house was decorated throughout with palms and ferns.
An improvised altar formed of lovely palms and with foliage interspersed with baskets filled white and pink dahlias and graceful candelabra holding burning white tapers. A lovely program of nuptial music rendered by Mrs. Lee H. Strickland, pianist. and Miss Annie Pitts, soloist.
"Believe Me If All Those Endearing Young Charms" being softly rendered during the ceremony. Miss Katheryn Wheeler, cousin of the bride, was maid of honor, and her only attendant. She wore a beautifully fashioned chiffon velvet. Her flowers were shoulder corsage of roses and valley lilies. The bride entered with her father, by whom she was given in marriage.
She 8 picture of loveliness in a costume of brown transparent velvet, her smart hat of brown and accessories to match completing the lovely costume. Her flowers were orchids and valley lilies. Mr. Neal had as his best man, J. T.
Dix, of Atlanta. Following the ceremony the bride and groom left for a wedding trip, and upon their return will make their home in Atlanta. The marriage of Miss Ione Stephens and Lee Borders was solemnized Sept. 28 at Broomtown, the Rev. J.
N. Webb officiating. The marriage was kept secret until last Sunday when they informed friends and relatives of the event. Both are popular young people of this place, the bride being 8 daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
8. M. Stephens and Mr. Borders is the eldest son of Mrs. Della Borders.
They are making their home for the present with the bride's parents. An enjoyable event of last Saturday evening was the B. Y. P. U.
social, which was given on the church lawn, about 100 being present. A barbecue lunch was served. Mrs. Lee Strickland, of Buford, came this week to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
E. Doster, and to attend the Doster-Neal -Mrs. C. J. Crim and son, of Anniston, and Mrs.
P. Bishop and son, of Gadsden, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. L.
Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Pollock and Mr.
and Mrs. M. A. Mosteller spent Sunday in Chattanooga.Mr. and Mrs.
Willard Walker, of Trion, spent Sunday with the former's mother, Mrs. Elizabeth -Miss Lucile Henderson, of Center, was the guest last week-end of Miss Katheryn Wheeler.Mr. and Mrs. L. C.
Smith and children, of Summerville, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Smith -Mrs.
J. A. Mosteller is visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. M.
Cook, in S. W. Snoots, of Atlanta, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.
D. Snoots, The Rev. and Mrs. Lon Overton, of Louisville, were guests of Mrs. J.
M. Rose Thursday. -Mr. and Mrs. T.
0. Ormond, of Birmingham. were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. R.
L. O'Neal, on Monte Sano. -Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dickson have returned to Anniston after a visit to relatives.
-Mrs. Ben Matthews is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Van Ryan in Escondido, -Mrs. W.
F. Garth and Misses Carrie Matthews and Minnie Rodgers have returned from Fayetteville, where they viewed the dahlia gardens of Dr. and Mrs. Gene Landiss. VALLEY HEAD.
Chattanooga Times Special. VALLEY HEAD, Oct. The parmonthly meeting in the high school audient-teacher association held their regular torium Monday afternoon, with the vicepresident. Mrs. P.
T. Orr, in charge. After all business was attended to a program was given by Miss Rosary Looney, directress of dramatics, and Mrs. Ben White, directress of music of the high school. At the conclusion of the program, Mrs.
J. B. Holt. former president, invited the thirty-five guests present into the domestic science department, where Mrs. N.
8. Davenport, Mrs. A. Maxwell and Mrs. T.
B. Davenport served white cake and cream. The committee invited Coach R. L. Thommason and his football squad into the dining room and they were served likewise.
The Woman's Missionary society of the Methodist Episcopal church. south, met Tuesday afternoon at the home of Misses Ida C. and Louise Davenport. Mrs. Seaborn Davenport had charge of the devotional.
The Bible discussion was "What Does It Cost to Be a Follower of Christ?" Mrs. J. B. Parham and Mrs. P.
T. Orr gave interesting leaflets of the lesson. Fourteen members were present. Misses Ida 0. and Louise Davenport have returned from 8 visit with Mr.
and Mrs. William H. Davenport in Chattanooga.Miss Rosary Looney spent the week-end in Fort Payne, as the guest of Miss Vestal Eva Hawkins. -Mrs. James B.
Holt has gone to Atlanta, for an extended visit with her sister, Mrs. Adele White, and Miss Sue -Those who attended the institute in Fort Payne, the past week were P. T. Orr, R. L.
Thomason, Mrs. Nellie King. Misses Rosary Looney, Jimmie Lee Smith, Dannie Keykendall and Vestal Eva -Mr. and Mrs. George McIntyre, of St.
Elmo, were guests of their aunt. Mrs. C. Culberson, the past week. -Mrs.
E. P. Dalbey has returned from visit with relatives in Shellmound. Tenn. -The Rev.
W. E. Foust, presiding elder of the Gadsden district, held the fourth quarterly conference for this charge at the Methodist church Sunday afternoon. Reports were given by all stewards present. -Miss Ruth Holleman, of Pratt City, spent the week-end here, the guest of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. R. E. -Mrs. F.
Y. Anderson has gone to Birmingham for the winter after spending the summer at her home Mr. and Mrs. T. B.
Davenport spent Sunday in Rising Fawn, the guests of Mrs. Davenport's father, P. H. -Jesse Estes spent several days the past week with his parents. Mr.
and Mrs. J. F. Estes, in Pledmont, -Paul Overton and Mike Davenport attended the University of Chattanooga -Birmingham Southern football game in Birmingham -Miss Naomi Littlejohn spent several days the past week the guest of her parents in Crossville, Ala. -Mrs.
N. S. Davenport and son, N. have returned from Gadsden, after a week's visit with her sister, Mrs. T.
T. -Mrs. Ellen Davenport and daughter, Miss Naomi, have returned from an extended visit in Parkersburg. W. guests of her daughter, Mrs.
Dee Bailey.Mr. and Mrs. Pelham Anderson have returned to their home in Birmingham after several days' visit here. -Winnie Chamblee spent several days the past week with his parents in Henagar, Ala. ROSSVILLE.
Chattanooga Times Special. ROSSVILLE, Oct. revival, which has been in progress at the First Methodist church, closed Sunday evening after very successful meeting. About eighty-five conversions were effected and many joined the church. The services were conducted by the Rev.
J. A. King, pastor. A successful revival, conducted by the Rev. Mr.
Brown, of East Lake, closed this week at the First Baptist church. A large number of conversions were effected and a number of new members were added to the church. Mrs. John S. Boyd was the hostess to Circle 1 of the Rossville Baptist tabernacle Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs. Anderson McCulley presided and the devotional was given by Mrs. J. C. Carmack.
The subject of the program was, "Where Our Money Goes." Two new members, Mrs. C. H. Smith and Mrs. Pearl Wheeler were added.
An ice course, with cake, was served. Mrs. J. E. McClain was hostess to Circle 1 of the M.
E. church, south, Monday afternoon, with Mrs. E. H. Cassidy presiding.
A missionary program was given by the leader after which an ice course was served. Mrs. Clay McFarland was the hostess to Circle 3 of the M. E. church, south, Tuesday afternoon.
The hostess, who is leader, was in charge. An ice course was served. Circle 2 of the same church met the same afternoon, with Mrs. R. D.
Wallin as hostess. Mrs. A. L. Ellis, leader, was in charge.
Refreshments were served. series of meetings will begin Sunday at the Rossville Baptist tabernacle. The DAStor, the Rev. G. W.
McClure, will be sisted by the Rev. Mr. Bowers, of the Avondale Baptist church. Prayer services have been held at the church this week in preparation for the revival. Mr.
Prachard, president of the Men's class, was in charge of the services Wednesday evening; Mrs. Will Roberts, president of the W. M. was in Thursday evening, and Miss Clara Roberts, president of the Y. W.
was in charge of the services Friday evening. The parent-teacher association, of the Rossville Consolidated Priday afternoon at the brick building, with Mrs. Eugene Saunders, president, In charge. Standing committees for the year were appointed by the president. Talks were made by Supt.
Hixson and other members of the faculty on school subjects. Plans were discussed for the annual Halloween carnival, which will be held at the high school building. A large per cent. of the members were present and the meeting was very enthusiastic. The Girls' HI-Y club of the Rossville Consolidated school entertained with 8 80- cial at.
the high school building Monday evening. when they had as their guests the Boys' Hi-Y club. About thirty members were present, and games and contests furnished diversions. Refreshments were served and souvenirs were presented each guest. The chaperons were Miss Vesta Elkins, Mr.
and Mrs. J. A. King and Supt. and Mrs.
Samuel Hixson. Miss Aline Cook entertained Monday evening with party. the occasion being in honor of her twelfth birthday anniversary. Twelve friends of the honoree were invited and games and music were enjoyed, after which an ice course was served. The honoree received a number of gifts.
Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Henderson entertained at dinner Thursday.
Covers were laid for Mrs. Cora Smith, of Tunnel Hill, Mrs. J. H. Wann, of Chickamauga; J.
B. Henderson, Mrs. Jane Kilgo, James Henderson and Mr. and Mrs. C.
V. Henderson. Misses Louise and Eugenia Harden entertained with a wiener roast at Blowing Sprinzs Friday evening. Mrs. J.
B. Burks entertained at dinner Sunday in honor of the birthday anniversary of Mr. Burks. Miss Esther Flegal, who has charge of the Junior Epworth league of the M. E.
church, south, entertained the members with wiener roast on Missionary ridge Friday evening. Doc Johnston has returned to his home at Pensacola. after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. John -Mrs.
W. T. Mahoney and children, of Harriman, were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leo John Brown has returned to his home in California after visit with Mr.
and Mrs. W. K. Brown. -Mrs.
J. F. Gardner is -Mr. and Mrs. J.
W. Low have returned to their home at Griffin, after a visit with their daughter, Mrs. J. A. -Mrs.
W. J. Hixson and granddaughter, Mrs. Ruth Hixson, of Detroit, are the guests of Supt. and Mrs.
Samuel -Sam Greene and Robert Robinson spent the week-end at McMinnville, the guests of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Greene -Edwin Perkinson spent the week-end with his grandmother, Mrs.
J. W. Brown, at Athens, The Rev. and Mrs. F.
H. Veazey spent the weekend at Cloudland the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. F.
-Miss Irene Waller bas returned to her home at Loudon, after a visit with her sister, Mrs. W. E. Huff, and Mr. -Miss Johnnie Griffith has returned from 8 visit with Miss Velma Greene in Atlanta.
Misses Annie and Pearl Murray, of Cleveland, were the week-end guests of Miss Jewell -Mrs. Millie Lee is the guest of her sister, Mrs. John Davis, at Sale Creek, -Miss Stella Dangler, who has been spending several months with relatives in Huntsville, has returned to her home Mrs. H. J.
Paschal and Miss Margaret Hisey have returned from a visit with Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Robinson in -Mr.
and Mrs. N. Brotherton and Mrs. R. Alexander spent Sunday at the Berry school, Rome, where they visited their sons, Clarence Brotherton and LeBron Alexander, who are students -Mrs.
Asbury, of Atlanta, was the guest Sunday of Mrs. Sallie -Mrs. Mary Goodlet 18 -Mrs. Emma Parker has returned to her home in Nashville after visit with Mr. and Mrs.
J. E. Hudgens.Mrs. Arnold Dixon has recovered from an J. D.
Edwards, of the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Edwards.
He was accompanied to Knoxville Sunday by his mother and Miss Pauline Farriss, Miss Margaret Kelley and David Roden. Mrs. Pat Sullivan 1s recovering from an -Blair Crawford has gone to Detroit, where he has accepted a position.Mrs. Annie Whitt, of Rising Fawn. is the guest of Mr.
and Mrs. R. D. Hawkins. -Mrs.
Joe Dalton and children have gone to Cincinnati, where they will join Mr. Dalton in their new -Mr. and Mrs. John McGimsey and Marvin Clark have returned to their home at Carter, after 8 visit with Mr. and Mrs.
Hartman Jones. -Miss Dovie Rich has returned from visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. L.
Rich, at Chelsea, -Miss Clara Cain has recovered from 8 tonsil operation.Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Dangler are occupying their new home, which has recently been completed, near -Miss Willie Mae Allgood has accepted a position in Chattanooga.
-Eugene Gilbert, who has been ill, has -W. T. Hicks and son attended the Bradley county singing convention at Cleveland -Mr. and Mrs. Robert May, of Sweetwater, have come here to reside and are located on McFarland -Harry Clark, of the University of the South, Sewanee, was the guest of his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. C. W. -Mr. and Mrs.
A. S. McAbee have gone to Summerville to reside. DUNLAP. Chattanooga Times Special.
DUNLAP, Oct. Dunlap M. E. church, south, entertained with shower, honoring their pastor, the Rev. E.
L. McConnell, and Mrs. McConnell, Monday at the parsonage. This is the fourth year for the McConnells and they were given very hearty welcoma. Forty guests were present and ice cream and cake were served by host and hostess.
Miss Laura Birdwell and James Cagle were married at the home of Mrs. Mary Johnson at noon Saturday, the Rev. E. L. McConnell saying the ceremony.
The bride is the only daughter of Gilbert Birdwell, circuit court clerk, and Mrs. Birdwell. They left immediately for Chattanooga, where they will reside. Mrs. Paul Farmer was hostess to the Y.
W. A. girls at her home Friday afternoon. Miss Bessie Deakins presided, due to the absence of the president. Mrs.
H. D. Campbell conducted the Bible quiz. Three visitors were present, Mesdames Joe Anderson, Almeda Burkes Floyd Smith. Dainty refreshments were served.
Mrs. Judd Heard will be the next hostess. Cherokee chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, entertained with luncheon at the lodgerooms Tuesday, honoring the worthy grand matron of Tennessee, Mrs. Campark, and the grand conductress. Mrs.
Beatle. During the lunch hour Mesdames W. H. Clack, Maude Pyle and McConnell gave readings. At 2 o'clock the chapter WAS called to order.
Addresses were given by the worthy matron and conductress. Talks also were given by others. Three visitors from Whitwell were present. Mrs. McConnell acted as hostess.
The lodgeroom was beautifully decorated with fall flowers. Twenty members were present. Miss Leila Gray was hohtess for the Junfor Epworth league at her home Saturday evening. Games and contests were the diversions of the evening. Jack Coe, Josephine Johnson, James Coe and Enoch McConnell were winners in the contests.
Twenty-five guests were present. Refreshments were served. The Y. W. A.
girls held a called meeting at the home of Miss Geneva Standefer. Plans were made for their annual bazaar, to be held early in December. Prof. and Mrs. T.
J. Black. Mr. Brown, Mrs. Ida Gadd and daughter, Miss Edna, and Miss Loree Black and Aeota Enton spent Sunday at Morgan Springs and Graysville.
The Ladies' Aid of the M. E. church, south, met with Mrs. James Denny Among those from here attending the funeral of J. A.
Greer at Pikeville Monday were Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Payne.
Mesdames C. E. Burrow, Johnnie Barker and son, -Mrs. Myrtle Price was hostess for the Baptist Ladies' Book club at her home -Mrs. Herbert Merriman and children, Margaret and Martha Layne, are the guests of Mrs.
Merriman's brother, Jesse Heard, and Mrs. Heard, in Mr. and Mrs. W. L.
Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Groover, Mr. and Mrs. G.
N. Hanks and Prof. Keller spent Sunday on Lookout mountain and in Chattanooga. -Mr. and Mrs.
W. B. Standefer and children spent Sunday at McMinnville, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Landis McGinnis.Mr.
and Mrs. Ernest McReynolds, of Pikeville, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Greer. Miss Ella Turner has accepted a position in -Mrs.
Grover Elliott remains ill at her -Joe Haskew is attending the grand lodge of Odd Fellows in Nashville this -Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Hughes were called to Murfreesboro Saturday, where their daughter, Miss Villa, was operated on for -Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Ridley and children and Miss Doralean Bell.
of Nashville, were guests of Prof. and Mrs. W. V. Fruly -Mrs.
Edna Roberts and son. Herman; Sammie Jane and Bill Cannon and Donald Campbell spent Sunday in Whitwell. -Mr. and Mrs. J.
B. Johnson were guests of son, Frank. in Knoxville this week. -Mr. and Mrs.
Virgil Hill and small son. of Ooltewah, were guests of Mrs. Grace Clack for the -Gordon Standefer is in McMinnville this week. H. D.
Campbell 1s in Birmingham this -Mrs. Frater Hatfield entertained with an old-fashioned quilting and spendthe-day party at her home Monday. Eight guests were -Horace Heard, of Chattanooga, spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Herbert -Chig Farmer, of Mrs. H.
E. McGinnis and son and Mrs. F. L. McGinnis, of Birmingham, were guesta of Mrs.
Lillian McGinnis -Miss Mabel Owings, of Chattanooga, the guest for the week-end of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. -Miss Martha Burney, of Rome, was the guest of Mrs.
J. L. Pollock for the Lurline Crawford, of Atlanta, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R.
M. -Mrs. W. D. Martin spent Monday in Rome, her daughter, Mary, having undergone an operation for appendicitis at the McCall hospital on -Mrs.
Leslie Mustoe, of Chattanooga, spent the weekend with Mrs. W. L. T. 6.
Weems visited relatives at Forney, Monday. No Firing at Children. 'Children must on no account be fired remarks a decree issued by the Prussian ministry of the interior, instructing Prussian police when they may use their revolvers. The new decree allows the use of weapons only if the officers' lives are in danger, and if an arrested criminal tries to escape. LUXURY of appointments, beauty of furnishings, graceful service and elegance are the features that attract 80 many experienced travelers to the AQUITANIA A truly great ship you will appreciate.
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The urine gets cloudy, full of sediment, the channels often get sore and irritated, obliging you to seek relief three times during the night. Te help neutralize these irritating acids, to help cleanse the kidneys and flush off the body's urinous waste, get four ounces Salts from any in a pharmacy glass of here; water take a before breakfast tablespoonful for a few. days, and your kidneys may famous salts is then act fine. This made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and has been used for years to flush and stimulate sluggish kidneys; also to neutralize the the system SO they no longer aciditate, thus often relieving bladder weakness. Jad Salts is inexpensive; cannot inJure and makes a delightful cent lithia-water.