Belton Progress from Belton, Missouri (2024)

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Belton Progress! A MURDERER HUNG MORMON HISTORY New Advertisem*nts CLEARANCE SALE! Now is the Time to Sub scribe Its armers Subscribe! Mechanics Subscribe! mt i Miippnig lacinii ine United States are great town will be unsurpassed Wirh Hits the Capt TERMS 8100 A Horrible Story of Cold Blooded Assassination How a Council of Sixteen Carried Out Will as Expressed Through the Prophet Brigham That Chicago is a growing city cannot be successfully disputed in the presence of statistics of the most In 1860 its in Europe London January 3 The Mark Lane Express in a review of the grain trade says has unfor tunately proved a year of general deficiency and inferiority Barley has shown the best yield of the sea son being only slightly below av erage but its color has been so gen erally affected that its value for malting purposes is greatly reduced perhaps eight to ten shillings per quarter Sales have been unusually dull oats and beans below average but better prices paid for the latter compensate for defect Peas are considerably below average having suffered greatly in size and quality large deficiency will become more evident as the season advances Should we have a bad spring an im portant advance must A Daughter Shot Utica January Christopher Van Slyke and bis son of Clerk 1 villa while intoxicated fired sa lutes in honor of the Centennial The father pointed the gun at his wife and asked whether be should fire it She became frightened and he turned it toward the bedroom in which were a deaf and dumb daugh ter another named Emma aged soveuteon years pad a feur year old child The gun was discharged and Emma was shot through the heart dying instantly below it cards Tags We shall offer our large stock of Watches Jewelry Silver ware and Clocks until Jan 1st at a great sacrifice for cash This will he an unusual oppor tunity of purchasing first class goods for little money EDWARD MEAD CO 304 North ourth St St Louis CONNEDY Editor lie vainly hoped for he 1 uinld' the hopes of he restoration of peace Nevertheless Cuba belongs to Spain and a great part of the population is opposed to separation In these circ*mstances the solution of the question might be found in estab lishing a confederation in the West Indies resembling the Canadas Cuba and Porto Rico might be con stituted a confederation with local rights and a governor general ap pointed by Spain Tbe powara are asked to join the United States in proposing such confederation and aiding Cuba to establish it The abolition of slavery would however bo a necessary condition and such pressure must be brought as would make the insurgents cease their war fare This would be difficult but it could be accomplished Secretary ish is emphatic in denying that the United Slates desires the acquisi tion of Cuba they only wish peace sestored slavery abolished and commerce allowed to resume its course The powers are asked to express their opinion upon the pro posed means of accomplishing these ends Washington January 3 Though our Government conceals at pres ent from our citizens what it com municates to European governments in regard to Cuban affairs it can be stated that the American circular does not propose as a solution of the Cuban question according to the London correspondence of the Man chester Guardian that Cuba and Porto Rico form a confederation with a governor general appointed by Spain The Palace Restaurant in Kansas City is the place to go for your meals if you visit that city Hazlep proprietor six mile journey and fell exhausted at the foot of tbe little hill in the outskirts of Nephi He had fallen in front of a bouse and from an in mate he learned that one of his com rades had likewise escaped and had ascended the hill only a few mo ments before Wild with the hope that it was tis brother he struggled to his feet and staggered onward In spite of all his efforts he fell heavily four or five times and could not rise until he bad lain still and rested for a few moments When be reached the hotel he found the Colonel instead of his brother The poor half murdered men ut tered not a word but locked in each arms fell swooning to the ground Even the Mormons who looked upon the scene were affected to tears Cold blooded assassination await cd these brave fellows after all Thoughtlessly they told that they recogr ized some of their murderers The hotel was guarded day and night by the Mormons lest the vic tims should escape The hotel keeper was in league with the as sassins His team had hauled the murderers to the Sevier When three weeks had passed tbe wound ed men had so far recovered as to wish to return to Salt Lake City The hotel keeper refused to Jet them go until hit bill was paid They bad escaped with nothing but a gold watch and a silver mounted revolver Their money and valuable property was lying in the Nephi tithing office in store house They offered the hotel keeper the watch worth $250 for their bill but he demanded the re volver instead As he took the pis tol Aiken said goes our last friend never leave this valley Disarmed wounded and utterly helpless these men were put in a wagon and driven to an old stable a few miles out from Nephi The driver backed his wagon up close to this stable and unhitched the horses saying he wanted to feed them The hind end of the wagon had been taken out before starting and as soon as the horses were out of the a volley of buckshot fired from the stable fairly riddled the two Californians The party of cowardly wretches concealed in the stable continued to fire until every muscle in the bodies ceased to quiver They then stripped off the clothing and threw the bodies into one of those round springs or natural wells which seem to have no bottom and filled it with large stones To this day the place is known as Sufficient proof is in the possession of the United States officials at Salt Lake to convict the perpetrators of this frightful crime if justice could be obtained in Utah Timothy oote is the hotel name Wolfe is the man who drove he fatal wagon and Bishop Bryant presided over the council at Nephi that passed the sentence of death Actual participants in the crime have confessed and if protected would testify to all the particulars rom one of the murderers I ob tained part of my information I have not colored any portion of the narrative the bare facts are before you All Kinds of Job Work Neatly Executed at This Office posters Sale Bills Bill Heads Yetter Heads THE BELTON PROGRESS CONNELY PUBLISHER Saturday January 1876 Ageod Newsy Paper giv ing the latest Maret Reports from all parts of the Union A good Advertising Paper Por all who have Anything to sell! To Persons Residing in the County A Terrible Encounter A Desper ado Killed by a Boy in a Haud to Haud isht Independence (Kan) Courier Dec 31 rom SS Peterson we learn that Cal co*ker the half breed Cherokee who killed Isaac Journeyman a prominent citizen of the Nation some time last June met a similar fate day before yesterday at tbe hands of a Delaware boy trial was to have taken place yester day but on he escaped from his guards and started to Lightning Creek to see his wife On the way he met a young Dela ware named Love who was the principal witness against him riding along the road with a sack of flour on the horse before him co*ker at once attacked him with a revolver Love drew a pocket knife and began carving the desperado in return for the pistol shots Every time co*ker shot the boy would ward off the weapon and at the same time strike his assailant with tbe knife When co*ker had emptied his pistol both now on the ground he drew a large knife and the fight became desper ate inally the boy with his little knife struck the fatal spot and co*ker the desperado who for years has been a terror to the people of that section fell a corpse at his feet The boy however was cut and stabbed almost beyond recognition and simultaneous with the dying groan of the desperado the brave fell to the ground nearly ex hausted from the loss of blood and severe pain from his wounds He started on his hands and knees for his home a half mile distant but luckily had not proceeded far until he met an acquaintance After his first expression of horror and sur prise at the appearance of the in trepid young fellow he asked if he had met co*ker replied the boy is down the road there watching my sack of The boy was taken home and medical aid summoned and it is now proba ble that he will recover Everv peaceable citizen of the Nation will rejoice over the death of co*ker for his deeds are many and of the most desperate character If the Dela ware Council present young Love with a handsome medal for his bravery they will neglect an important duty If You want a Good am ily Paper Take it If You want to Assist in Building up the Town And Country Take it The thriving bustling and wideawakc town of Belton is situated in the no'rth west corner of Cass county twenty three miles south of Kansas City seventen west from Pleasant Hill eighteen east from Olathe Kansas and four miles east of the Kansas State line and two hundred and sixty flve miles west from St Louis on the St Louis Lawrence Western Rail road and at the crossing of the Kansas City Memphis Railroad The former road is in operation but the latter is as yet only graded though its ultimate con struction and equipment is but a question of time as the importance of the line can not admit of a doubt ol its completion The town site is on a high rolling prai rie directly on the dividing line between Grand and Blue rivers commanding a maguiffleent landscape view of the sur rounding country witli a complete net work of easily accessible roads entering the town from every quarter and conse quent upon its being drained in every direction one of the healthiest locations known ar away on every side to the extent of human vision stretches the broad fertile prairies than' which there is none more rich in and productive qualities as the abundant growth of the crops the past season attest This local ity is well adapted to the growing of wheat rye barley corn oats hemp flax broom corn sorghum cane clover timo thy blue grass and in fact every other article that grows in the finest agricul tural regions and as for all kinds of veg etables and fruits the world beat us Apples ofevery variety and choicest flavor never miss but as a matter of course arc more plentiful some seasons than others and always find a ready market Peaches grapes cherries and all other smaller fruits mature to perfection and rarely ever rail except the former which hits at least every other year This locality is especially adapted to stock raising as there is still an abun dance of fine grazing and unimproved lands and numerous never failing springs bubbling up from fountains cold and sweet to supply the country with that pure healthful beverage water for man and beast and for the running of mills and manufacturing machinery And we would here state for the consideration of any who may wish to go into anv kind of manufacturing business that Belton is a No 1 point for another good grist and flouring mill and also for a wagon car riage and farming implement manufac tory and for various other enterprises such as dairies hay presses and other oc cupations too numerous to mention at present Improved lands can be bought at from fifteen to twenty dollars per acre and improved of which there is a vast area in this vicinity and of the richest can be bought at from eight to ten dollars per acre Town lots are sell ing at twenty five to one hundred dollars each except a few choice business lots which would bring more and a large number of good tenement houses could be rented immediately at a remunerative price for the investment if some one would put them up Our church and school privileges are equal to the present population of the place which is about 500 The business of the town at present consists of one banking house four drv goods groceries ete or rather we should say dealers in general merchandise two grocery houses two drug and notion stores one newspaper printing office one lumber and one furniture dealer one har ness and saddlery one boot and shoe manufactory one grist and flouring mill one tinware manufactory and stove store one hardware and farming implements establishment blacksmithing places of entertainment and various other busi ness not to mention in this con nection All articles iu the way of ne cessaries are very cheap as for an in stance wood is only three dollars per co rd delivered at your door And we will here drop a hint to any who may wish to locate in the town or country You will find a wide awake farming com munity a live town anti a nnrdiul wol come whether you come from the East West North or South it matters not so you are not of the domineering kind We want no kings or drones but workersV have the territory tributary to this place for a city of 10000 population and we want people to help build it up and enjoy its ail vantages and profits js In every respect a stock grain and fruit country and a few years hence our exports to other markets will be im mense and our shipping facilities for an hiji mis imperfect and hastily srotten U1x person 1 nrtw a in i a 1 ImHVI spevduy remunerative invc' tinent iiihdr 1 lie niiiivo i ink iittempt to rovern i it toll id ni 1 ol the town BELTON Location Surroundings and uture Prospects The Cool Behavior of a Mew Mexican Culprit on the Scaf fold rom the Denver News Murders some of them superla tively cruel and atrocious occur with amazing frequency in New Mexico but hangings rarely At Lincoln in that Territory the other day a culprit named William Wil son expiated the crime of murder his execution being conducted pub licly He had been fairly tried for and convicted of the murder of one Robert Casey The evidence had developed nothing of a mitigating nature and the conviction was in accordance with public sentiment The execution took place at eleven The condemned man ar rayed iu black funeral clothes rode to the scaffold in an ambulance es corted by a company of the Eighth Cavalry Wilson behaved to the last with great nerve and courage He was a hardened criminal and his severe fixed and brutish visage disappeared under the black cap without evidence of emotion or per turbation He very stiffly and for mally shook hands with the few in timate friends who gave him the on tbe momentous brink The body was allowed to dangle at the end of the rope about ten min utes when it was cut down but there still being signs of life in the twitching of legs and arms the hal ter was readjusted about the neck and the body drawn up again the mob around tbe scafiold taking a pull at the rope The body was kept suspended twenty minutes and was then lowered into a rough cof fin given in charge of a squad oi soldiers and buried in a gulch a mile from tbe fort KNIE PISTOL The Cuban Question London January 3 The Man chester London corre spondent writes as follows on the subject of Spain Cuba and the Uni ted States have been furnished with what purports to be the substance of Cuban note I believe it is cdrrect though I do not pretend to give itsexact language It re cites that the general interests of humanity and commerce demand cessation of tbe struggle which has been waged in Cuba for icvon mu me coinn rears 1 I 1 a a a i uiu: mere are floating sufferers but are unwilling to act gave hHivnabliues to Ue amount of $4079 without (he concurrence of th I io where 849 in addition to the bonded debt powers indudinr Spain The uniu Hi unil iiKieiueuneisot the: Initiation ofih is Iw uly 'city is $17 1123 840 ut A Penny Saved is a Penny Earned $10000 GIVEN AWAY 'We will Send the Progress usual price $110 and the Louisville Weekly Courier Journal usual price $209 postage prepaid on both papers for one year for $260 Both papers at any office in the county for $250 postage free The Weekly Courier Journal is the grea Natioaaa1 ans iiv I TV "fVCBgWH with small or! It will on December 31st 1875 di1 that a trihuto cm twui aii be presents among its subscribers anil even sent through wjH be eii I numbered ri Iibiilioii and i ho: ts The recent attempted assassina tion in Southern Utah of Philip Klingen Smith the Mormon bishop who participated in tbe Mountain Meadow massacre and then turned Slate's evidence has brought to light a diabolical deed which was committed by agents in September 1857 The following story is from tbe Truckee Rcpubli can of December 22 and was related to the editor of that journal about a year ago by one of the favorite assassins The Aiken party composed or the Aiken brothers a man known as one named Buck and two others started East from Cali fornia just as Johnston's army was entering Utah They were wealthy gentlemen of an adventurous spec ulative turn and had the finest out fit of mules equipments guns pis tols etc ever seen in Salt Lake City They carried with them about $30000 in gold On the Hum boldt they fell in with a train going East and traveled with the emi grants until they reached the Utah settlements Near Ogden they were arrested as spies brought to Salt Lake City and closely confined Utah was under martial law and this fact was the pretext for this outrage The emigrant train came along and vouched for the mon as being good honest gentlemen but without effect Their money was too tempting a prey After being incarcerated some time two were loft in prison and the four others sent by the Mormons to California under an escort The apparent fairness of this move vanishes when we learn that the es cort was Porter Rockwell John Lot and One eyed Miles three of 1 the blackest hearted villains that ever lived When the purty arrived at Nephi a council was called among the Mormons and sixteen mon were appointed to the Aiken party The few who opposed the cold blooded plot were silenced by the argument that it was will expressed through his prophet Brig ham At midnight a team was fit ted out and driven on ahead of the Aiken party who were asleep at Nephi The next evening just as the victims were camping al the Sevier river a party of men drove up from the opposite direction and asked permission to camp with them The plot of the mnrder was well plannad The Aiken party never suspected that these men were as sassins who had been in Nephi the night before They were pleased to have company and the camp tires were built side by side The Mor mons outnumbered their victims four to one yet were too cowardly to make the attack until sleep Ten dered the poor victims helpless then they pounced upon the sleep ing defenceless fellows and struck them on the head with king bolts clubs and iron bars The Colonel bounded up and bruised and bleed ing as be was escaped in the bushes A second one of the Aiken boys sprang to bis feet but was shot down The other two were brained where they lay The three lifeless bodies were thrown into the river and tbe brother who was showdown revived when he came in contact with the cold stream Poor fellow night of horror awaited him which was worse than a thousand deaths Crawling over the cruel pebbly hot wheat crop has suffered most tom oi the river drenched bleeding only one eighth reaching average uiiu nun aeaa ine man reached the wnno nve sixtns sink willows near the camp he Whatever dullness now prevails Jay shivering with fear and beard and niiy a period continue our the murderers boast of the cruel deed Summoning all strength the wounded man crawled away through the bushes and started back Lo Nephi It snowed lightly during (lie previous day and that night (here was a biller biting frost Aiken had on nothing but his pants and shirt The crisp snow and the I convincing character sharp stones cut bis feet until he taxable valuation was $37053512 could hardly endure the pain Weak in 1875 it was $303705140 seven Jroin loss of blood dazed and i fold increase In 1860 its taxes stunned by blows on his head cold I were $373315 in 1875 they were deserted and lonely weary und $5 166613 a thirteen fold increase wnrn out the man traveled all In I860 the debt was only $2336 mgh: long Naught but thoughts i 000 in 1875 it was $13544000 a waters 50000 DOLLARS Tiie above amount of ifty Thousand Dollars was awarded to A OX Photographer No 205 North 5th st St Louis for the best Photographs made in Mo TEAS HOW IS THIS A pound of extra choice Tea sent to any address in the Uni ted States free of all charge upon the receipt of One Dollar bv mail San rancisco and St Louis Tea Co Box 2819 St Louis Mo DOUBLE RUBBER WEATHER STRIPS BEST IX VENTED Price in Store per foot No 0 5 cts No 1 5 cts No 2 7 cts No 3 IO cts No 4 15 cts reat Inducements to Agents Newcomb Biios Sole Agents 217 North 51 st St Louis Also Dealers iu Paper Hangings anil Upholstery AMATEUR PRESSES of all kinds with complete Outfits of Type from $6 upwards at CENTRAL TYPE OUNDRY 15 North Third St St Louis Mo 30 YOUNG MEN WANTED immediately to learn Telegraphy Situ ations guaranteed Send stamp for par ticulars Telegraphic Institute Seda lia Mo PILLS! PILES! DR WORTMAN CO cor 9th and Pine sts St Louis positively cure Piles without pain the knife caustic or ligature do not charge one cent until cured and promise to pay all expenses to and Irom St Louis If they fail to perform a perfect cuke References James Lupo Col Jno Cavendor Marcus A Wolif Chas Osborn Waters President Second National Bank rank Shapleigh hardware merchant Main st and many others Send for circular and names of citizens cured YOUNG tow" I UUI1U 111 I7graphillg and take offl ces on new lines which we are furnishing with operators Salary from $40 to $100 a mon ch and steady promotion Partieu ars mai free Address Tele graph Institute Janesville Wis SHUN DRUG POISONS Medicine Rendered Useless ELECTRIC BELTS and BANDS are indorsed by the most emi nent physicians in the world for the cure ci' rheumatism neuralgia liver complaint dyspepsia kidney disease aches pains nervous disorders fits female complaints nervous and general debility and other chronic diseases of the chest head liver stomach kidneys and blgod Book witli full particulars free by Volta Belt Co Cincinnati Ohio 9 a day at home Agents wanted Out fit and terms free TRUE CO Au gusta Me PER WEEK guaranteed to Agents Male and male in their locality Terms and OUTIT REW Address VICKERY CO Augusta Me Mind readino psycoman CY ASCINATION Soul Ctiarmrng Mesmerism and Mar riage (Snide showing how either sex may fascinate Jand gain the love and af fection of any person they chooss instant pages By mail 50 cts Hunt Co 139 Seventh St Phil 2 42 a month to energetic men tPOvV and women everywhere Bu siness honorable EXCELSIOR CO 151 Michigan ave Chicago St TO SO at home Samples 'vorth $1 free Stlnson Co Portland Maine A SHAW CO REAL ESTATE AGENTS SUMMIT MO Will sell exchange and lease farms iin proved and unimproved Also city and town property SCollections promptly attended.

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Belton Progress from Belton, Missouri (2024)


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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Author information

Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.